Chapter 2

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"I have your Doubleshot on ice, your mom called about lunch next week, and Bettany wants to know what you're wearing to the premiere."

You hand off the iced coffee you're juggling between your phone and clipboard and wipe the hair out of your face as you look to Lizzie for answers.

She's tired. You can tell that much by the way her eyes light up when she sees coffee. You're about 3 hours into the junket and to you, the day is flying by. At this rate Lizzie with either be too exhausted to go to your gig or forget about it altogether.

"Tell mom next week works great, just let me know the day. You can show Bettany if you want but he doesn't have to match me by any means it's not the prom. And good god, bless you for this coffee my dear! How's my hair?"

You shuffle the clipboard under your arm and gently lift her chin. She wrinkles her nose as you make eye contact and something flutters in your stomach. You ever so slightly brush a stray hair off her forehead.

"Josh Horowitz with MTV is next in 5." You hear the coordinator from the shadows as they pop their head around the door.

Turning back to Lizzie you analyze her hair and makeup one last time. You slowly trail your thumb across and under her bottom lip clearing it of stray lipstick. You hear her breathing hitch ever so slightly as she leans into your touch.

"There." You say as you release her and take a step back admiring your work. "You're prefect."

After a beat Josh enters followed closely by Paul Bettany. Paul's always been a favorite of yours. You've gotten to know him fairly well over the last year with Lizzie's multiple Marvel projects and he's always been kind to you. You lock eyes and before you know it you're engulfed in a 6 foot 3 bear hug.

"Y/n, darling, how are you?" He kisses both of your cheeks then holds you out lengthwise in front of him.

"I'm good, Mr. Bettany thanks!"

"Christ y/n, you should know by now you can call me Paul, please. You make me feel ancient."

"Today Bettany, and stop harassing my assistant." You hear Lizzie scold from her chair. You giggle slightly and regain your balance as he releases you and heads over to award Lizzie the same greeting.

"You guys have fun, I'm off to grab lunch, Lizzie, soup and salad?" She nods appreciatively. "Paul can I grab you something?"

Paul looks at Lizzie with amazement.

"Where did you find her and how much for me to steal her?"

"What can I say, I'm the luckiest girl around. And she's NOT for sale." Lizzie quips as she smacks Paul playfully on the arm.

"Surprise me, darling, whatever they have. Cheers."

You nod and turn on your heel leaving the interview room.


"I am beat" Lizzie lays across the back seat of the towncar as you leave the junket.

"You did amazing. Really really funny. The whole time." You remind her as you glance over your shoulder from the front seat. "And guess what?!"

You get an unenthusiastic grunt from the back seat which is, honestly, more than you expected.

"NO MORE PRESS!" You shout and holler as you pretend to shoot off firework cannons from your hands.

A small, sweet giggle breaks from the back seat, "Thank god! If one more person asked me to name all the Infinity Stone I was gunna lose it!"

The driver opens the door and climbs in, "Where to ma'am?"

You ramble off Lizzie's address but get cut off mid-sentence,

"No, no, no" Lizzie is prostrate now, leaning up from the backseat.

"We're going to 'The Love Song Bar' downtown please."

You stare for a minute in both shock and amazement, 1. That she actually remembered your gig and 2. That after a day like hers she'd still be up for a night like this.

"Lizzie, no it's fine you've had a long day let's just get you home."

"Don't you have a gig?" She asks as she raises her sunglasses atop her head to look you in the eye. You stare at each other for a beat. You can see the determination in her eyes. She's not backing down.

"I do, but I have a lot of gigs you can go to any of them, especially after things settle down for you."

"I plan on it but, tonight I would love nothing more than a cold beer in a dive bar watching you sing your heart out SO, to the bar please sir!" She flips back in her seat and the driver looks to you for confirmation. You nod, reluctantly, as the driver pulls onto the road.

Your head hits the headrest and sigh escapes your lips as you close your eyes trying to will your nerves away. What did she mean "I plan to"? Was this to become a regular occurrence after tonight? Your palms start to clam just at the thought.

"Relax y/n I can feel your tension from here. Sheesh, I'm not gunna fire you if you suck don't worry."

You throw an empty water bottle toward the back seat ricocheting off of her hip with a thud and giggle when she squeaks in shock. The driver slows to a stop as you pull up outside the bar.

"Just promise me you'll leave if you're bored?" You ask knowing the answer before you have the chance to finish.

"Not a chance. Let's go."

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