Chapter 7

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** Potential Trigger Warning**

Even from the lobby, the bass of the music from the ballroom down the hall was deafening. Velvet rope lined the lobby wall paralleling the Marvel Studios backdrop.

Lizzie made her way gracefully down the line snapping pictures and posing for the ever eager photographers that lined the ropes. The finish line stopping just before the double doors of the private ballroom holding the after party.

You situate yourself just outside the ballroom doors waiting as Lizzie makes her way to the final photo spot. "You still have a job to do." You think to yourself opening your phone to check for any recent e-mails or correspondence. Nevertheless the idea of being in a social environment with Lizzie and no other distractions excites you beyond belief.

"Ready to go?" You look up from your phone to find Lizzie waiting eagerly in front of you. You give her a once-over (because it's your job, but also because you enjoy ogling your boss) and notice the clasp on her heel has come undone.

Scanning the room for onlookers, you bend down situating her shoe back to its intended form. Your pinky trails the arch of her foot and she twitches in response. As you rise to your feet your right hand grazes up her thigh and you can feel the effect you have on her as you reach eye-level once again.

"All set here." You reply smugly holding the door ajar as Lizzie enters the ballroom. Before you know it you've been assigned the role of "door-holder" for the next handful of people entering after Lizzie. Finally making your way through the entrance, two thoughts cross your mind: 1. You've lost Lizzie. And 2. You need a drink.

The ballroom is dimly lit with a large LED dance floor centered in the room. Cocktail tables draped in black linens scatter the remaining area. You can see through the haze, the bar and DJ booth line the back wall. Hovering around the bar, you notice a few other PA's you've come to know over the past year. Remembering again that you're working, you head for the bar to grab Lizzie a drink hoping to find her along the way.

"Gin and soda please." You rattle off to the bartender as he approaches.

"I would've never pegged you for a gin girl" Tom's voice dances over your left shoulder as he leans his weight on the bar next to you.

"It's for Lizzie actually. I'm still on the clock." You quip as you turn to meet his gaze, winking playfully as you push up from your spot on the bar. You spot Lizzie then, across the bar, looking increasingly uncomfortable in her conversations with what looks to be one of the producers from the movie.

"Excuse me Tom." He shouts after you but it's lost among the music and your frustration.

Approaching, your grip tightens around the glass you're holding as you watch this man take hold of Lizzie's hand and bring it to his lips. Your skin crawls as your anger grows. Without hesitation you situate yourself between Lizzie and this man handing off your drink in a way that makes it impossible for him to continue holding her hand.

"Sorry to interrupt. Kevin Feige is looking for you. Excuse us." Before the man has a chance to react, your fingers lock around Lizzie's elbow guiding her out of view and over to a few couches that line the walls beside the bar.

"My hero" She teases, taking her drink from you.

"I have half a mind to go back there and cut his balls off." You seethe. She throws her head back in laughter instantly calming you.

"Are you ok?" You ask closing the distance between the two of you as her eyes meet the worry in yours.

Just then, a very tall large man who you can only assume is some form of security appears behind Lizzie, bending slightly to whisper something in her ear. Her eyes snap to yours, but she gives nothing away as she turns to the man, nods lightly and watches him walk back toward the entrance.

"What was that about?" Confusion flashes across your face.

"Robbie's here." Your face falls as a scoff escapes your lips, laughing at your stupidity for thinking this night would somehow be different.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. I forgot I added him to the guest list weeks ago. He'll have a few drinks and he'll leave. Please," She grabs your hands willing you to look at her. "I know I've asked so much of you already and it's killing me to put you through this but just give me an hour and I'm yours."

Before you can answer two arms creep around both your and Lizzie's neck with a squeeze.

"How are my two favorite ladies tonight?" Robbie asks, the smell of whiskey fresh on his breath as he turns placing a sloppy kiss on Lizzie's forehead.

You untangle yourself from his grasp rolling your eyes, as he greets Lizzie properly.

"Babe, I thought you said you couldn't make it." Lizzie coos, scrunching up her nose as she kisses the corner of his mouth.

"I need a drink." You announce dismissively as you excuse yourself and head to the bar a few paces away.

You can hear Robbie yell in the distance, "Hey grab me one too y/n!"

Rolling your eyes you grab the bartenders attention and order your go-to stress reliever, "double tequila on the rocks please."

You take a long drag of your drink letting the smooth liquid burn down your throat. Placing the glass back on the bar, you notice its practically empty and signal the bartender for another. You turn your attention back to Lizzie and Robbie. His fingers splay across her upper thigh as he whispers something into her ear making her laugh. They're cozy. Almost too cozy for something that, at the end of the day, is still a work event for Lizzie.

In what seems like the ability to read your mind, Lizzie freezes, making every effort to put space between Robbie and herself. She squirms beneath him as her attempts to remove his hand from her thigh are thwarted. Your nails dig into the short ball glass propped in your hand as you watch this unfold before you. You're too far away, and the music is much too loud to hear anything the two of them are saying when suddenly Lizzie places both of her hands firmly on his chest. It's dark and loud and you've got a few shots of tequila in your veins but the instant you see Lizzie's mouth say the word "Stop" you're out of your seat.

In what feels like a blur of frustration and rage, you find a security guard standing at the end of the bar. Pointing in the direction of Lizzie you explain, "That guy's not on the guest list can you get him out of here please?"

Without a second thought the man marches over to Robbie, grabs him forcefully by the elbow and escorts him toward the exit.

In an instant you're at Lizzie's side as she wraps her arms around herself, visibly shaking, embarrassment and horror fresh on her face.

You do a scan of the room, relieved that no one seemed to notice the minor altercation and bring your attention back to Lizzie.

"What the hell am I doing?" She proclaims as she slumps into her hands running her fingers through her hair.

"Are you ok sweet girl?" You run a soothing hand up and down her bare arm warming her.

"Thank you." Is all she says before curling into you placing her head on your shoulder. You bask in this private moment for what seems like an eternity. Just the two of you, separated from the rest of the party, able to be yourselves, even just for a moment.

"Hey," You squeeze her hand gently as she raises her head off your shoulder meeting your gaze and ask, "Come home with me?"

For the rest of your days you hope to never forget the smile that pulls at her lips the instant you ask that question. Without a second thought she's on her feet following you toward the car.

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