Chapter 11

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"I had a really great time tonight Olivia. Thank you." You say jingling your keys between your fingers as you reach your car. The LA nightlife swirls around you, cars speed past on the busy downtown street, music pumps from the multitude of bars that line the street, and people pass consumed with their own agendas.

Meeting Olivia for drinks was strictly you holding up your end of the deal nothing more, however, four glasses of Chardonnay later, things are feeling a little fuzzy.

"I told you we could have a good time outside of sweating our asses off." She jokes referring to the Pilates class you two frequent together.

"I don't know, sweating with you can be a lot of fun." You wink as she steps closer to you pulled to you like a magnet. She stares up at you, inches from your face, lust and desire burn behind her gaze.

"I should go." You whisper against her lips as Lizzie's face, crumpled and broken, flashes in your memory.

She closes the distance then as you lose the battle opening yourself to her. She's different. Not your person. Not terrible. But different. The kiss deepens and you swear you notice bursts of light flash around you in sequence, you brush it off, too focused on the task at hand. You break away panting as you place your forehead on hers.

"I'll call you." And with that you turn, climbing in to your vehicle, you drive away as she wiggles her fingers at you through your window.

You don't know if its guilt or just second-nature but you find yourself driving to Lizzie's house. It's almost midnight, but it's been too long since you've spent the night with her.

Since the gossip article came out, you two have definitely been more careful, which for you, means a very guarded Lizzie. You decided against telling her who the source of the article was, knowing that she would break if she knew Robbie was behind all of this.

Letting yourself in with your spare key, you notice the only source of light coming from the bedroom upstairs. Knocking softly, you swing the door just a crack to find Lizzie, still in her outfit from this afternoon, asleep propped up on top of her bed. Guilt wracks through you at the idea that she waited up for you.

Making your way over to the bed you gently caress her cheek whispering softly into her skin.

"Wake up baby. Let's get you out of these clothes."

She mumbles still half asleep, "Where've you been. I waited up for you."

You pull her top over her head as she slumps over onto you.

"Shhh I'm here now sweet girl. Lets go to bed." You plead pulling the last inch of her jeans from her ankle.

Your answer seems the placate Lizzie as she wiggles under the covers pulling you to her side.

"I love you." She mutters, sleep thick in her voice before her breathing evens out and she's fast asleep in your arms.


You rub your eyes as sun filters in through the large french doors situated on the far side of the bedroom. Disoriented slightly, you scan the room, remembering you spent the night at Lizzie's last night. Your hand reaches out but is met only with cold bedsheets. You're alone. Figuring Lizzie got up to make you both coffee, like she has so many times in the past, you right yourself preparing to join her downstairs.

You grab your phone as you head for the door and immediately stop in your tracks. A single text from Olivia with a link to a news article displays across your Notification Center.

Clicking the link with a shaky hand, the first thing to load is a very blurry, albeit distinguishable, photo of you and Olivia making out in a parking lot. Your head begins to spin as you scroll further to find another picture of the two of you earlier at the bar, drinks in hand, laughing intimately together .

It's a small blurb, nothing print worthy, but that doesn't stop the racing pulse you can hear between your ears. You scroll further as your eyes zero in on the author of the piece.

"Olivia Carmichael"

"That fucking bitch." You mutter under your breath.

You throw your phone on the bed and scrub your hands over your face, praying to the heavens that Lizzie hasn't seen the piece yet so you can explain yourself before she does.

With a calming breath you exit the bedroom and make your way to the kitchen. You find her there, propped up in the window seat, peering out at the garden, her knees tucked under her chin, and a cup of coffee in her hands. You're heart sinks. She knows.

"Hey" you whisper as you enter the kitchen, your traitorous voice cracking with guilt.

She turns to you then, eyes brimming, filled with pain and anguish, and a sob wracks through her.

You make your way over to her but she holds her free hand out, forcefully, stopping you mid stride.

"Just don't, please."

"Lizzie, let me explain, please."

She on her feet in an instant, fire boiling behind her eyes.

"Explain WHAT?! Explain how stupid I've been for the last six months? Explain how I've let myself love someone again, just for them to rip out my heart and spit on it? Explain how the one person in the ENTIRE world I trust with every ounce of me can find it so easy to spread her legs for someone else?"

Her words cut you as a single tear dampens your cheek.

"I didn't sleep with her."

"Oh well thank goodness for that!" She proclaims almost manic as she throws her half empty mug of coffee in the sink with a crash.

"Lizzie I made a mistake." You hear her scoff but continue with shaky breath. "She knew the source from the first article, she said if I met her for drinks, she'd give me the name."

"And your tongue down her throat was what, more investigative research?! Get your answers from her and then you come and sleep in my bed. You're disgusting."

"I was drunk Lizzie, for fuck's sake. I know that doesn't excuse it but I'm sorry! Maybe if you could actually commit to me instead of stringing both Robbie and me along, who by the way, was the source for the article, none of this would've happened."

"What did you say?" She's frozen at the kitchen island. Her eyes bare into yours as realization dawns on her. You sigh, shaking your head as you memorize the tile beneath your feet.

"It was Robbie. He sourced the article. I guess he's more perceptive than we thought."

She's silent for a moment, tears fresh on her face as she stares through you, hurt, grief, and betrayal burn from her eyes.

"I need you to leave." She's looking at you now as her chin begins to quiver. You gasp, reeling from her words.

"Lizzie I-"

"Just go. Please." She pleads as her tears flow in waves now as you watch her crumble.

"GET OUT!" She screams slamming her hands on the kitchen island as a sob leaves her throat.

You turn then, tears of your own matching hers, and head for the door. You stop just before you leave the kitchen and whisper,

"I love you."

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