New Years with the Potters

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Disclaimer: This chapter has some more... ahem... spicy content. Read at your own discretion.

I stood in front of the fireplace, wand tucked into my garter under my ballgown and instead clutched a tiny, dark blue purse in my hand. My mother had forced me to spend the afternoon in curlers, for which I was incredibly grateful as my hair now hung in large, elegant waves around my face. My gown, a matching shade of blue to my purse, hugged my torso tightly in a corseted fashion, and fell like a silk waterfall from my waist to toes. Honestly, I couldn't think of a time where I looked any better than I did right now. I felt like a princesses, perhaps Rapunzel with my golden locks.

"Don't you just look lovely" my mother cooed, delicately rearranging my waves so that every strand of hair was perfectly in place. "Doesn't she just look lovely?"

My dad grunted, his arms tightly wrapped across his chest. My mum tossed out an elbow, connecting lightly with his gut. "Yes, very lovely" he grumbled.

Mum rolled her eyes and took a final moment to readjust the necklace sitting along my collarbone. "Should we be expecting you home tonight then?"

"No" I started, and that finally got my dad's attention. He turned his gaze towards me, and opened his mouth to protest, I'm sure. "Me and Lily will be sharing a guess room."

"Likely story" he started, but my mum held up a hand to shush him. How she managed to tolerate him for this long, I'd never know.

"Well then, I look forward to hearing all about it tomorrow" my mum chirped, passing me the bowl of FLOO powder.

"Thanks mum" I smiled, ignoring my dad just as much as he was ignoring me. I stepped into the fireplace, and together they took a step back.

"Have fun" she said with a wink, as I tossed the powder down into the fire.

The fire rose around me in a blur, and I was suddenly plopped down in a significantly larger fireplace, constructed entirely out of marble. The grand room before us was adorned elegantly with fine pieces of art and furniture, making me feel inadequate in my literal ballgown.

"Hello Ms." A tiny house elf, it's left ear much larger than its right, greeted me. I lifted up the skirt of my dress and took a step out into the room, its high ceilings suddenly extremely noticeable overhead. "Your name?"

I paused, this question always catching me off guard. Before I could answer, an older woman, her silver hair tucked elegantly into a small, fashionable hat came trotting over to us. "You must be Elle" she said, her voice delicate and high, as if she were talking to a small child. She held out a gloved hand, maroon and matching the piece on her head. "I'm Euphemia Potter."

I looked her up and down, instinctually holding out a hand in polite response. Was she his nan? Great aunt perhaps? No, that name sounded too familiar to be a distance relative of James, but this woman appeared to be far too old to be his mother, surely. "Pleasure, Ms. Potter" I responded, curtsying slightly at the knee. Curtsy? Really? It was only a New Year's Eve Party, not a crowning ceremony for Merlin's sake.

"Don't you just look divine" she smiled, not correcting my use of her last name, which was a stark contrast to my own mum.

"Thank you" she'd yet to let go of my hand, guiding me away from the mantle as more guests trickled in through the fireplace. "Your home is absolutely gorgeous."

She gave me a sideways glance as we crossed into a main foyer. What looked like thousands of glimmering lights hung in the air above us, twinkling as they reflected the light of the dimly light chandelier in the middle of the ceiling. "Oh, I'm sure it's nothing you haven't seen before, being a Carrow and all."

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