The December Challenge

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Once more we found ourselves crowded around the coffee table in the Gryffindor common room, sorted into our self-determined teams as Kat read off the score sheet from our latest pilgrimage. Despite being on competing teams, Lily and James sat too close to each other on the couch not to notice their proximity. At this point, it was an unspoken, well-known secret that they had finally given into their more primal instincts towards one another. But for their own sake, we humoured the idea that they were keeping it low-key.

"In first place, we have Elle and Sirius!" Kat read from her list, holding up our prize from the Slytherin Common room. The light reflected from the emerald eyes and Sirius squeezed my knee under the table. I didn't turn to look at him, but a chill quickly ran up my spine as I felt his eyes on me.

"Hell ya!" he celebrated, pumping a fist in the air.

"Also in first place, we have Peter and Lily!" Peter whooped from his corner, and Lily smiled proudly, James nudging her shoulder.

Sirius placed his hands flatly on the table. "What do you mean, they're in first place too? We can't both be in first place, can we?"

Kat smiled, putting down our prize and picking up theirs. It appeared to be a Quidditch Cup championship trophy from at least a decade ago. "Oh contraire, Sirius. You indeed are tied for first place." She winked and Sirius pouted, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Then we have Remus and Mary in second place, and James and Sasha in third!" Sasha scoffed loudly from her seat, flicking a braid absently over her shoulder.

"You'd think James Potter would be good at this sort of thing, but I swear it's like he's been just completely distracted by something lately" she muttered, and James threw a small pillow in her direction.

"You can pull your own weight, you know" he yelled, and Sasha rolled her eyes.

"You're the one with the magic maps and robes" she retorted quickly.

"You don't need those things to pull off these schemes! Look at Mary! She's managed to get her and Remus into every single common room yet!" Lily placed a hand quietly on James' knee to keep him seated.

Mary beamed proudly from her seat. "He's not wrong, you know. I've hit the trifecta this year, snogged someone from every house."

"Too bad that won't get you through the next challenge. I think it's a felony... or at least will get somebody fired" Peter mused, earning a laugh from the entire table.

"I don't know, maybe Professor Binns will be game" Remus nudged Mary and she visibly shuttered.

"We're going to have to change our game plan for sure" she wrinkled her nose and I couldn't help but laugh.

Kat whistled, earning the groups attention once more. "We've only got one challenge to go, so if you could hold off on tearing each other's heads off until Christmas, we'll be all set." She winked quickly at me, before placing her hand over-top of Remus' beside her.

"Well, that is all. Off you lot go, I'll be expecting my treasures tout suite."

I looked over at Sirius, catching him in a moment of contemplation as he starred deeply into the fire. I'm sure he was deep in thought about how we'd get into the teachers lounge.

I wondered if he ever thought that deeply about me?

Kat and I sat in the deepest corner of the library, pouring over our transfiguration notes in an attempt to complete our homework. She tapped her quill against the side of her head thoughtfully, before sighing and closing her book with a clap.

We Are Golden (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें