Revelations with Remus

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"Hey Sirius" I said as I sat down next to him on the common room couch. "What's up?" He gave me a hesitant look as he folded up the piece of paper that he'd been examining, and slid it into his shirt pocket. He eyed me from head to toe, and then back up again. "Oh, not you too! Come on Sirius, you already know everything about all of that crap that Skeeter wrote."

"Ya, I guess" He shifted so his feet were stretched across me. "I just don't get why Skeeter would do something so uncool. She always seemed pretty chill."

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously you've never had a conversation with her" I said and Sirius let out a bark-like laugh.

"Not really" he shrugged. "So, let's talk about this new look of yours, eh? It's very... unlike you." I couldn't help but notice that his eyes lingered on in places that I never thought he'd paid much attention to. Namely, the gap between the top buttons of my blouse and the hemline of my shortened skirt. I pulled my leather jacket tighter around my torso and he snapped his eyes up to my face.

"Well apparently Annabelle Carrow is some sort of bad-ass" I said, lifting a leg and twirling my ankle, displaying my new, and incredibly heavy biker boots, adorned with zippers and chains galore. "And you know me, always trying to appease my public.... Don't you like it?"

"To be honest, I didn't notice it much until Alecto pointed it out" He sighed in a love-struck sort of way, his eyes turning into grey puddles at the mere mention of her. "I'm really glad you introduced me to her."

I swallowed thickly and bit my lip. "About Alecto..." I started, unsure of how to broach the topic. "I think her recent changes are... not exactly honest. I don't know, Sirius. I tried to go talk to her this morning in the Great Hall, and she completely gave me the cold shoulder."

"Well maybe she was just in a mood" He knitted his brows together and placed his feet on the floor. "Everyones entitled to those, you know."

"Was it just a 'mood' when she told me that she was only being nice to me to get to you?" I snapped, quickly growing tired of Sirius' pointed ignorance.

Sirius pushed out a puff of air from between his firmly shut lips. "Ya, okay Elle. Good one."

"No, I'm not kidding!" I stood up and crossed my arms across my chest. "She legitimately told me that, to my face!." He got up to match me, taking a deep breath as he rose to his feet.

He pointed a finger directly at my face. "Elle, you're a lot of things but I never pegged you for a liar. Alecto never said that. Whatever this stupid, childish, prejudice you have against her, you need to get over it" his finger had grown incredibly close to my nose, and I withheld my deep desire to just bite it off. "You're just a typical, jealous, little sister. And regardless of your little make-over" he looked me up and down again "Jealousy definitely doesn't look very good on you."

"You've got to be kidding me!" I was taken aback at Sirius' insinuation.

"Well, everything Rita wrote about you was true, why would the part about your feelings for me be any different?"

I laughed so hard that I literally snorted. "Oh yes, Sirius, you've finally figured me out! I have finally fallen for you! That's why I've decided to dress this way! My goal was really to seduce you because you are just so bloody irresistible." I took a step back from him, throwing my arms into the air and twirling for the dramatics. "It wasn't when you LITERALLY threw yourself at me to break up my relationship with YOUR OWN BROTHER. And it definitely wasn't when you literally slept in my bed for weeks at a time. It's all because you've chosen my darling sister, OVER ME!

"For Merlin's sake, Sirius Black, get over yourself! Maybe you're right, maybe you and Alecto are bloody perfect together! You're both self-centred, egotistical, narcissists!" I took a deep breath, narrowing my eyes at him. "And you're both incapable of changing."

We Are Golden (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن