The November Challenge

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"So, onto the Slytherin Common room?" Sirius plopped down next to me at dinner, only a few days after the Halloween party. I cast a sideways glance at him, taking a large bite of mashed potatoes. Since the party, we hadn't indeed finished our conversation like he'd promised. Instead, he acted like nothing had happened, and it was absolutely infuriating.

But if he wasn't going to broach the subject, neither was I. Did he regret it? Did he even really remember? He had to have, there was no way he was even close to how drunk I was. Everything he'd said was so genuine, and caring. Or was it a Sirius Black ploy to get into my pants? Then again, he'd stopped me from kissing him altogether.

I only had one word to describe how the entire situation left me feeling, and that was UGGHHHHHH.

"Is this stupid challenge all you think about?" I said, looking down into my plate and refusing to make eye-contact.

Sirius reached across me, plucking a piece of carrot from my plate and popping it into his mouth. "It's not all I think about, but it's certainly one of the highlights of my week." I rolled my eyes and shovelled in another bite of mashed potatoes.

"It's fine. I've already figured out the plan. I'd say I could do it myself, but where the fun in that, partner?" he nudged my shoulder and I put down my spoon onto my plate with a clink.

"What's your plan?" I sighed, and he beamed at me proudly.

"Well, we've already been in the Slytherin common room before. All we need is the password. But there's no way that any right-minded Slytherin is going to let either of us in. And since Snuffles is out of the question... I suggest we use the cloak." He kept his voice low as he described the plan, watching from his periphery for those who might be listening in.

"So James is okay with you using it?"

"Meh, minor details. I can knick later tonight. It'll be back before he even knows it's gone" he waggled his eyebrows at me and ate another one of my carrots. "So, are you in?"

"Fine" I pushed up from the table, my head reeling from his casual demeanor. The entire time, I couldn't have helped but continue to look at his lips. They were very kissable.

I hated myself. One drunken kiss and I was already a puddle of mush. Might as well nominate myself as the president of the fan club at this point.

"Great!" he beamed. "Meet me in the common room around 11:30pm!"

I nodded and turned on my heel, marching out of the Great Hall and towards anyplace Sirius was not.

"Ready?" Sirius slid down the boys staircase and plopped down beside me.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I sighed. I looked down and noticed the shimmery piece of fabric tucked under his arm.

"Great" he smirked and unrolled the cloak. With a flourish, he wrapped the fabric around both or our shoulders and pulled up the hood. "Let's go!"

We wandered down the corridors in silence, but I was painfully aware of the proximity between us. Every urge in my bones wanted to reach down and grab his hand, but I used every ounce of self-restraint I had left. No, I couldn't just grab his hand. He's the one who pulled away, so he was the one who could make the next move.

"I did a little recon after dinner" he suddenly whispered, breaking the silence. "I figured out the password, so we're in the clear. So the only issue I can foresee is the room being occupied, but it's a Wednesday at midnight so I think we're pretty safe."

"Gotcha" was the only word I could get out, as we approached the door to the Slytherin Common Room.

"Serpentine" Sirius whispered and the door opened in front of us, and we quickly stepped through the passageway. Unchanging from the last time we had crossed through it, the stone walls of the dungeons were cold, adorned with the sleeping portraits of medieval witches and wizards in their frames. The fireplace had extinguished, leaving nothing but glowing embers in the dirt as they slowly went out.

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