Games during a Feast

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Even though the castle never changed, it still made my breath catch in my throat every time I walked in those large front doors. It didn't matter if you were a first year or a fifth year, like I, there was something about this place that was more than magical. It was our second home, the professors like parents or cranky aunts or uncle, no matter how much you really didn't like them.

When I say that the castle never changed, I mean never, even the students. For example, right now Sirius and James were standing on either side of the doors of the Entrance Hall, wearing top hats and tail coats, handing out some sort of pamphlet. Everyone took them with earnest, or mostly everyone. The Slytherins that didn't got rewarded with big, fluffy, brightly coloured tails that severally resembled a rabbits.

"Hello Katarina, care for a pamphlet?" James asked Kat with a bow. He shoved one into my hands without looking up at my face and we continued walking to the Gryffindor table. We found a seat next to Alice before we opened them up. If you were to look around the room at this very moment, you would see some extremely sour looking Slytherins trying to ignore the sniggers of every other student in the hall.

Welcome back to another Year at Hogwarts. We would like to address some new changes that have taken place this year...

Severus Snape's name has now officially been changed to Snivillius!

Avery and Mulciber have a rumoured love affair!

Alecto and Amycus draw on the dark mark with permanent markers!

"What idiots" Alice mumbled, crumpling up her paper and throwing it under the table. "They're going to get it now..."

"From who first though? The teachers or the Slytherins?" Sasha tucked the paper into the front of her robes, obviously finding it hilarious.

"Both no doubt" Mary answered looking up hopefully to the High table. By the look in her eye you could tell she was "simply starving", even though she stuffed herself with sweets on the train. "When do you think Dumbledore is going to give the speech? I want some bangers and mash!"

"In case you haven't forgotten, we still need to get through the sorting ceremony first" Frank looked over at her with a grin on his face. "But I have a few chocolate frogs stuffed in my robes if you want them...."

"MINE!" Mary yelled, reaching into his robes and pulling out the chocolate before he could make another movement. "Alice, if you don't marry this boy then I will!"

"Over my dead body" Alice snarled, half serious. When you see a couple that managed to stay together five years at Hogwarts, you know that they'll be together through a cataclysm before they go their separate ways. Plus Alice and Frank were simply adorable together.

McGonagall pulled out the three legged stool and the mangy old hat that we were all so familiar with. The first years were shaking, probably from the boat ride over in the rain, but also in fear. Most kids didn't have a clue about what went on at the sorting ceremony and it was just a tad intimidating having a magical hat read your mind in front of hundreds of students.

"I may just be an old worn hat,
But I have a tale to tell,
Take heed to the words I say,
And you might just do well.
I've seen so much
And I'll see some more
In those little heads of yours
Be you Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin or Gryffindor.
Are you loyal?
Or Brave?
I'll be the one to judge
But when we are done
Sit down, have some fudge,
Because the day is yours!

Most of the first years looked terrified to have to sit under the singing hat, I know that I definitely was. They said he didn't make mistakes, though sometimes I begged to differ. I wasn't brave or daring, so why did I end up in Gryffindor? I always figured myself to be a Hufflepuff; loyal, shy, nice.

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