The Girl in the Mirror

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Trigger warning: This chapter contains content relating to relationship violence

Christmas seemed to be an unlucky time of the year at Hogwarts. Ever since last Christmas Break, when Frank's father was killed, this dark forces had been getting stronger and stronger. The obituaries seemed to be getting longer as well, the names becoming more familiar, and the muggle death counts higher. I couldn't tell if it was my own inner turmoil projecting itself around me, or if the corridors and chatter amongst students had grown more quiet, speaking in hushed tones more sullen than before the break.

Between the conflict going on outside of the castle, and the end of the Christmas break marking Bradley's final semester at Hogwarts, he had become a totally different person. Sure, he smile still gleamed brightly like before, but the spark was gone from his eyes. When he wasn't busy with his Head-Boy duties, or Quidditch practise, he had his head buried in his books as he reviewed for his NEWTs. I couldn't begin to imagine the pressure he must be under, so I did my best to help him where I could. I used my first year NEWTs notes in an attempt to help quiz him, or simply sat quietly at his side and held his hand as he read. It definitely wasn't enough to lift the weight of all of his duties from his shoulders, but I did my best.

And that especially meant trying my best not to cause him any further stress or trouble.

His hand was firmly wrapped around mine, fingers interlaced as we walked towards the Great Hall together for dinner.

"Can we go sit with Kat?" I asked quietly.

"We always sit with her" he sighed, and began to pull me further down the table, towards his seventh year friends. I wanted to object, that wasn't true at all. Ever since coming back from Christmas break, I could count the number of times we'd eaten with my friends on one hand. Sure, their welcome hadn't been super friendly, especially since she'd given me that talking to on the train, but they were still nice enough. "It's not normal how much time you two spend together. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were lesbos. I'm sure some people already do."

"Oh." Really? No. I highly doubted that. Had he never heard of best friends before?

"Hey Brad" a beefy seventh year grumbled, cutting up his steak and shoving unhealthy sized pieces into his mouth. "Elle." He nodded respectfully to me before taking another bite.

"Hey Jack, how's it going?" Bradley beamed, turning on the charm. I smiled a small smile and nodded in response, intimidated by the size and demeanour of his friend. Jack seemed to be a nice guy all around, but I couldn't help but be astonished by his sheer size and appetite. But after all, these were Bradley's friends, not mine.

I reached forward absently for the bowl of pasta in front of us, and Bradley quickly swatted my hand with a firm touch. Jack raised an eyebrow, his mouth too full to speak, and Bradley laughed. He grabbed a bowl of salad instead, wordlessly placing a few scoopfuls on my plate. "Can't be filling ourselves up too much. We've got a Slug Club meeting tonight, and I promise the food there is much better." I grimaced and took a bite of the dry romaine lettuce, trying not to react when Bradley put a serving of pasta onto his own plate. "But I also need to carb load for the game this weekend!"

I couldn't help it. I looked down at my legs, pressed against the hard bench underneath me and flattening out like jello. Slug Club or not, it was probably for the best that I didn't gorge myself on empty calories like pasta. Salad was definitely healthier, that was for sure. "Here" Bradley said from beside me, squeezing my knee and placing a tiny piece of garlic bread on the side of my plate.

"Thanks" I swallowed, but didn't touch the piece of bread. Bradley pushed my hair out from my face, and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.

"You two are just too adorable" a petite girl on the other side of Jack squealed. "You have to be, like, the most adorable couple in the school." I couldn't help but blushed and reach over for Bradley's hand.

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