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Here I was, yet again, stuck in the dungeons with Professor Slughorn, talking about why I failed yet another potions test. He looked at me over the brim of his glasses, and twisted is obscenely large moustache around his finger.

"Now listen Ms. Carrow" he started, pushing a pot of tea towards me.

"I prefer to go by Goodwin" I corrected and he batted his hand in my direction dismissively.

"Anyways, I've called you here to discuss your recent test scores. I am fully aware of the fact that you failed your O.W.L potions last year but I made an exception to let you into my class, despite your mark" I poured myself a cup of tea and put a ridiculous amount of sugar into the cup. I was going to need all the sugar I could get if I was going to talk to Slughorn for more than three minutes.

"Yes Professor, and I'm extremely grateful for it" I praised through my teeth. Truthfully I had hoped to finally drop the class after I failed but noooo, Slughorn had to make me an exception.

"The only reason I permitted you to be in my class is because of the tremendous effort you've made, even though potions just isn't one of your natural talents. However, given these recent developments, I'd like to discuss your future career aspirations. If your path would not benefit from having a NEWTs potions credit, I would suggest that you drop my class and take one ... more suited to your choice." I choked on my tea and put my cup down. He looked at me with gooseberry eyes, examining my reaction like any practised potioneer should.

"Well I..." I twiddled my thumbs and looked down at my feet. Career? I was lucky if I knew what I was going to eat for breakfast! I had absolutely zero idea about what I wanted to do after I left Hogwarts.

"Now, I know you usually have this talk with Professor McGonagall later this year but I felt that we should have this talk now if you plan on continuing with your potions studies... You do have a career in mind, don't you Eliza?"

My mind began to race. I didn't want to seem like a total idiot in front of Professor Slughorn. He always seemed to favour the students who actually had their act together. I thought back to Remus, and smiled. "Well, not as of recently Professor, but I have taken a recent interest in a more... niche field you might say."

"Well go on Ethel, tell me" Slughorn leaned back in his chair and I focused my gaze to the tip of his moustache.

"I've been reading a lot about lycanthropy lately and I'm incredibly interested in the field of Werewolf Protection Rights." He raised his eyebrows at me and I ducked my head, waiting for a proper response for a wizard his age.

"A noble pursuit indeed, we need more people like yourself standing up for those poor souls with such a stigmatized affliction. If this is the case, I will allow you to stay enrolled in my class. Though if you will, I would suggest you take up your study sessions with Mr. Snape again. Whatever made you two stop those in the first place?"

He stood up and cross his study, lighting a pipe that he pulled from his cloak, and took a puff. "Clashing personalities" I said and stood up, crossing the room to him. "But if you think that I should take up another tutor, perhaps Lily Evans would suffice?"

"Yes, yes, Lily is a superb potions student. Though I do think you would go farther with the help of Severus" he walked over to the door and opened it for me. "Terrific career choice indeed, so selfless and courageous" he muttered to himself more than to me. "If you don't mind me asking, what are your other marks in other subjects?"

"Uh, Outstanding in Charms and Transfiguration, Excellent in everything else... accept for potions of course" I added with a wink. Even me saying those results were shocking to my own ears, I definitely hadn't have thought that I would have been so successful in my OWLs last year.

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