Revenge on the Quidditch Pitch

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As I had expected, the moment that someone watched Bradley and I sneak away from the party, the rumour mill was once again abuzz with my name. At least I was finally able to get rid of the stupid Sirius Black obsession rumour, and instead his name with replaced with Bradley McLaggen. Had I Imperioused him into a relationship? Had he gotten me knocked up? Each rumour seemed more ridiculous than the last, but at this point I could hardly be bothered.

"Kitkat" I said affectionately to Kat, who glared at me, but smiled lightly all the same. "So, about this divination homework..."

"I'm not doing it for you" she said firmly.

"But this is NEWTS Divination! And I'm not doing well and you can see the ruddy future! Pleeeeease Kat, just give me your answers and I'll love you forever and ever and ever and ever" I batted my eyelashes, pushing my parchment in her direction.

"No...." she bit her lip, obviously cracking under my pressure. I threw myself to the floor and grabbed her ankle.

"PLEASE!!!!" I begged.

"No, Elle! And that is final" she pushed my paper back to me and put hers in her bag. I stood up and straightened out my uniform, huffing like a toddler.

"Fine, I'll just copy off of Remus. He obviously loves me more than you love me" I sighed dramatically and pressed the back of my hand to my forehead. Kat immediately wrapped her arms around my shoulders and put all of her body weight on me.

"He will never love you more than I love you. Bradley will never love you more than I love you. I love you the mostest. This is why I will not give you the answers, although I knew all of them before we ever got the work." We stood up from our table in the library and walked out into the corridor, arms linked.

"See, that would have been a really cute thing to say if you didn't have to mention that bloody home-work, you show off." She giggled lightly and bumped into me as a Slytherin pushed past her.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING YOU GIT!" Mary called to the hooded Slytherin as she approached us, walking out of an empty classroom.

"God I hate them so much." We all nodded in agreement and the Slytherin took off his hood, revealing Mulciber in all of his greasy glory.

"Hey MacDonald, go for any nice walks in the forest lately?" he said in a taunting voice before turning away from her to catch up with his friend Avery. Together they laughed evilly and stalked away.

Mary stopped for the briefest of seconds, her eyes widening in shock, her white face growing even paler than it could possibly be. She had an intake of breath, then turned around with eyes full of tears and wiped her eyes. "I hate them" she repeated and linked arms with me. I couldn't help but pull her a tiny bit closer to me, afraid to ask what was wrong, but unable to see her cry.

Kat finally broke the silence. "Are you okay?" she whispered and Mary nodded weakly. She shook out her gorgeous hair and regained her prim composer.

"I'm fine...I'm fine" she blinked a few times to clear her cloudy vision. "It's just that last year he... I think he Imperioused me" she squeaked out, her voice cracking.

"HE WHAT?" I yelled a bit too loudly, causing Kat to shush me.

"It was during the Hallowe'en party. He tried to snog me and I told him that I would rather run around in the Forbidden Forest naked... That's probably why I didn't come back up to the room that night." Her eyes were starting to fill with tears again.

"Then what happened?" Kat asked, her eyes filled with confusion. "Did he...?"

"Well, the next thing I know I'm waking up in a bush, naked. I honestly don't remember anything from that night but I went to Dumbledore after. I was so scared that something could have happened to me.... Well he looked at my memory and said that all I did was run around. I haven't told anybody except Lily and Sasha."

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