Explosions in Potions

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"Hey Evans" James walked up to Lily and I as we sat in the common room, trying to finish the horribly long essay that McGonagall had given us on animagus's. Two feet, really? Even I, an avid lover of transfiguration, thought that was a bit much.

"Shove it Potter" Lily growled, not bothering to look up at him from her parchment.

James ran a hand through his beshevelled black hair and placed an invitation in front of her. "Listen" he went on, ignoring her previous comment. "The boys and I are having an epic party on Hallowe'en. You should come" he didn't place one in front of me. Obviously I wouldn't expect an invite from them. Hello! His best mate and I hated each other.

"I'd rather die" I could see her face growing red under the wall of hair she had hanging in front of her face.

"Lily, love, you would die without me" Did this boy even listen to her? She has been ignoring him for five years and he was still chasing after something he would never get. We all joked about Lily secretly liking him but sometimes I wasn't so sure. "Who else would devote all of his time to chasing after you? Snivillus?"

In case he didn't notice, and I'm sure he did, Lily was gorgeous. Any boy with eyes would fall head over heels for her and I'm sure there were just as many boys waiting for her to notice them. Most of them stayed clear of her, thought, because of James.

"His name is Severus" Lily grabbed her parchement, crumpling it into her chest and storming out of the room, giving me an apologetic look. James sat down with an exasperated sigh across from me.

"So Ella, what's new with life?" He still couldn't get my name right could he? At the beginning of the year I would have shrugged it off mentally, I never even talked to him before. Now that his best idiotic mate and I were at war, I would think that he would know it by now. I was holding back the urge to hit him over the head with a candlestick holder, spelling out my name for him with every blow.

I blatantly ignored him and continued to write. If I was going to be at war with his best mate then I might as well ignore James too. He could be a spy or messenger from Sirius, and in that case, I would kill the messenger. Well, not kill but do some extremely loud yelling and probably send a curse or two his way.

"Ella! Hello?" He waved his large, callused hand in front of my face. I reached out my hand and grabbed his wrist, forcing it back onto the table with a deafening slam. "Ouch, what was that for you tosser?"

"I'm trying to work" I said, my eyes staying glued to the page as I attempted to write faster than I could think possible.

"Ella, relax! Have a little fun won't you?" I could just imagine him, leaning back and putting his hands behind his head in his git-ish way of doing things.

This time I did look up at him. Well actually I tried to burn him with my eyes, screwing up his rather attractive face to the point where it would melt away. I stood up and clutched my books to my chest. "My name is Elle. Not Ella, Eloise, or Elmer. Get it right, won't you? Or is your ego so insufferably large that you can't retain any sort of information that isn't about yourself?" I turned on my heel, prepared to make a dramatic scene from storming out of the room, possibly smashing something on the way out.

"Really? I thought your name, your birth name, was Annabelle" the words rolled off his tongue as he stood up, still rubbing the wrist I had acquainted with the table. He gave me that arrogant smile, the smile that quirked up at the corners, while he tilted his head to the side a tiny bit, and a look of victory crossed his face.

"Don't call me that" my words were barely audible, but he'd have to be an idiot to miss the malice that was seeping off every word. I was going to kill that Sirius Black. I know, I've said it before but this time, I would do it. "I'm nothing like them." It sounded as though I was re-assuring myself more than I was him.

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