Surprises in the Common Room

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The beginning of the school year was always hectic. We were all running around, trying to adjust to our new schedules and find classes that we hadn't ever even been near before. The first years looked clearly traumatized as the Slytherins felt it necessary to initiate them at any moment in time.

"How many of you guys haven't gotten out yet?" James asked, sitting down for dinner a week into classes. He looked rather upset and a tad bit angry and I noticed he no longer had his slip with him.

"I'm out" Remus said and almost everyone joined in with him. By almost I mean everyone but Sirius and me, but I doubt anyone noticed me of course. I was okay with that. So far, I had gotten out about twenty kids, all of them wearing the same look of depression of their faces as I took away their parchment and disappeared into the crowd. Tom still hadn't figured out who I was yet and as far as I heard, he wasn't out yet either.

"I just got out Mulciber" Sirius said with pride. So he too had shared the experience of wrestling a Slytherin to the ground to get their cheating mitts off of my rightful slip. "Stupid bugger, refused to give it to me. Had to turn his knees backwards before I could snatch it away."

"Been there, I had to take Avery to the ground before he would give it to me" I blurted out yet again. I swear, sometimes my mouth had a mind of its own. Sirius gave me a single look, like I was some kid who was eaves dropping in on the conversation and turned back to James.

What a douche.

"Really? You where the one to give him the bloody lip?" Remus asked me half surprised, half impressed. "Didn't think that you had it in you, Elle."He took a bite of his tart and pulled out a text book. "Are you in Ancient Runes?"

"Yeah" I answered and he dipped his head in acknowledgement. "Why do you ask?"

"Well Professor Babbling said that for the next assignment that we would need to work in partners, want to be mine?" He tucked his book into his bag and looked at me as if this was nothing.

"HEY! Why don't you want to be my partner?" Sirius turned to Remus, baring an expression of false hurt.

"Because, you don't pay attention in the class, and never do your work but somehow manage a good grade anyways. You can do your own work." Remus didn't take his eyes off me as he answered Sirius.

"Sure I'll be your partner. Remus" my response with met with a chorus of "ohhhs" and "ahhhs". "Oh shut up."

"Remus and ... Ella sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G" James sung, receiving a dirty look for getting my name wrong. It didn't come from me though, but from Remus and the girls as they glared at him in disbelief. "What did I do wrong? Sirius?"

But Sirius was no longer in his seat. He was now creeping under the tables of the Great Hall, muggle army style, using his elbows and knees as he climbed over everyone's feet. He didn't appear to hear what James just said as he worked his way over to the Hufflepuff table.

"What do you reckon Sirius is doing?" Mary asked, watching his backside as he crawled away.

"Could you be any more obvious Mary?" Sasha looked incredulously at her friend.

"I have no idea what you are talking about" she laughed but continued to stare at Sirius's arse. "Do you think he's going after his next victim?"

"Yeah, and by the look of it, it's Amos Diggory" Peter said, giving us an unattractive smile. That boy is such an oddball.

We watched as Sirius tapped Amos's foot, causing him to jump into the air with a startled noise. "AMOS DIGGORY! I GOT'CHA!"Sirius yelled from under the table and Amos grudgingly handed him the slip of paper.

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