Introductions on a Train

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Authors Note: Hello all! Welcome to this story! I originally started posting my work on HPFF over a decade ago, so some of this story was written way back when I was in high school. Newest chapters hav been written more recently, so I hope you appreciate the growth in my writing, and have patience for some of my earlier work. Happy reading :) 

"Now don't forget to write!" my mother called as I walked towards the scarlet steam engine of Platform 9 ¾. "Have fun! I love you!" She waved her long arms over her head and jumped up and down as I climbed aboard, shaking my head in embarrassment.

"Bethany you are embarrassing her" my father scolded, rolling his eyes and putting a hand on her lower back so he could escort her out of the magical barrier.

"Love you guys too!" I called and disappeared through the doorway. I was bumped around in the corridor by other students, all of them scrambling to get a private compartment before the train started to move. Sighing inwardly, I pulled my trunk along behind me and peered into the windows, trying desperately to find someone that I knew.

"In here, Elle!" Lily called to me, blocking the door so other students couldn't push past her and claim it as their own. Her long hair swung down her back, shimming in the light. "Hurry up! Remus and I need to go head over to the prefect's carriage!" I rushed in and placed my trunk on the luggage rack.

"Thanks Lily" she gave me a smile and headed out.

Our relationship had always been an odd one. Lily Evans was friendly with everyone of course, she was the golden girl of Hogwarts. Perfect grades, beautiful, nice, the only thing that had to be wrong with her life was the fact that she was being stalked by none other than James Potter.

I, on the other hand was completely and totally forgettable. My grades were between Acceptable and Exceeds Expectations, with dull brown eyes and straw coloured hair. The only thing that was different about me, was my hair that reached past my arse, but I always kept it tied up in a tight, McGonagall-esk bun and never let anyone see it accept my roommates Lily, Mary, Sasha and my best friend Katarina. I didn't speak in class and if you were to ask who Annabelle Carrow-Goodwin, was I'm not sure if anyone could tell you who I was other than Kat. Even Lily and the others knew me as Elle.

"Hey Elle, how was your summer?" Mary asked. God, why did all of these girls have to be beautiful? Mary had milky white skin and onyx hair that was cut into choppy lairs around her face. She batted her thick lashes that framed her white-blue eyes, and any boy would fall at her feet.

"Good" I said, blowing a stray piece of baby-hair out of my face and taking the seat next to Kat. "How was yours?"

"Boring" Sasha pushed her braids out of her face and inspected her fingernails. "Met a muggle boy... but they are just so... well, boring! All he could talk about was this band called the Ladybugs or something of that sort..."

"You mean the Beatles?" Kat asked, lifting her head out from behind her book. "Are you saying that you don't like them?"

"It's a band named after an insect, why should I be interested in it? Beside's I was far too busy trying to convince my parents to buy me a Nimbus 200" she rolled her eyes and reached a hand to touch the luggage cart. "I got this baby all fired up for our Slytherin game this year. Wait until you see the look on Avery's face."

I rolled my eyes but glanced back up at her. Her brown eyes weren't dull at all, instead they looked as rich as chocolate fondue with a sparkle that could only be compared to diamonds. Sasha had an uncanny ability to block Quaffles, obsessed with Quiditch and nothing else. Together, these three girls made up the best in the grade, best on the pitch, and best in the broom closet. Don't get me wrong, I'm not jealous or anything, just observant.

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