Summer Invitations

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"Oh my god. Oh my god" Lily muttered as she walked out of our potions exam, her fingers threaded through her red hair in frustration and panic. "I failed. I totally failed. I'm never going to be a Healer now. Or a Professor... Or anything....MY FUTURE IS RUINED!"

"Calm down. Lily. Even I think this was the easiest exam yet, and I haven't gotten over an A in Potions before" I attempted to calm her but it was no use. In fact, this might have made her panicking even worse.

"You're right! I just failed the easiest exam ever! I probably got worse than you did! Oh Merlin, my life is over!" She marched into the courtyard and fell dramatically against a tree, breathing heavily, and on the verge of tears.

"Thanks Lily, glad to know you hold me up at such high standards" I said dryly as the rest of us walked over to her. She ignored my comment and continued to stare at the ground with wet eyes.

"Things could be worse, you know" Sasha shrugged and pointed towards the group of four boys that were approaching. "You could be forced to snog Potter."

Instead of getting the laugh that I'm sure Sasha had intended, this seemed to infuriate Lily even more. Not the comment itself, but that fact that James was the one heading towards us. She sprung to her feet, her wand automatically in her hand.

"JAME SPOTTER OF ALL OF THE THINGS YOU COULD HAVE DONE TO ME!" she shrieked and sent a hex whizzing by his ear.

"Lily, he hasn't even said a word to you yet. Wait for him to speak before you kill him" Mary smirked and plunked down under a tree, obviously amused.

"Oh, he didn't need to say anything! He's the reason that I probably failed the potions exam!" she said, her voice more calm than before, though it still held a hostile edge to it. Another spell headed straight at James, but he deflected it as though he was bored. "Right James?"

Wordlessly, he flicked his wand to deflect another angry spell. "Evans" he said tentatively, taking another step towards her.

"If you hadn't been throwing those stupid pieces of paper at me, then maybe I would have been paying attention, and perhaps then I wouldn't have failed my exam and would still have a future that doesn't involve bagging groceries at a muggle supermarket!" She took several deep breathes and lowered her wand slightly.

"What's a supermarket?" James asked dumbly, and Lily lit right back up again.

"I AM GOING TO FEED YOU TO A MANITCORE!" she began to shriek, when James flicked his wand lazily and she went silent.

"I'm sorry, Evans. Look at it this way, I think I aced it. Maybe I'll get a chance to tutor you next year" he winked and Lily began to mouth soundless profanities. He brought a hand to her lips, shushing her in what he probably thought was a seductive manner. "Shh, it's okay Evans. I know, I render you speechless, and that's enough for me."

Lily bit down on his finger, hard enough to draw blood. He shrieked and pulled away, clutching his bleeding finger but trying to remain cool and collected. "I didn't know you wanted me that bad Evans."

"James" Kat looked at him with the most serious expression I had ever seen on her face. "I suggest you leave. You don't want to know what Lily is going to do to you if you don't." James looked at her with frightened eyes and slowly backed away.

"I'm not afraid of Evans... Oh look! Amos! Wait up!" he darted away, sending the rest of us into a frenzy of laughter.

"What exactly did you see?" Remus asked, lacing his arm around her waist loosely and pulling her against him. Kat smiled sheepishly and look down at the ground, shuffling her feet.

We Are Golden (A Harry Potter Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ