The Final Sorting

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The rest of the summer break passed by the same way the first half had. Sirius Black, once again, went MIA from responding to my letters. What the bloody hell did that boy think he was playing at? Literally taking me out apartment hunting, making me play along while he pretended that we were married? Having dinner with my parents and dancing with me in the living room? Then just leaving, without a goodbye, and completely ghosting me for another month?

Maybe he wasn't as mature as I had initially given his credit for? I refused to become another Sirius Black conquest, a notch on his literal bedpost. There was no way, no how. I was still completely and totally lost as to where we stood, but his lack of communication definitely gave me space to sort out my feelings. Whether those feelings were for a mature, evolved version of Sirius Black, or the ridiculous school-boy that exasperated me, I had zero clue.

"I can't believe this is your last year!" my mum enveloped me in her boney arms and squeezed. "Officially a seventh year! Next year you'll have a job and-"

"Bethany, come on" my dad chuckled, his eyes scanning the crowd. "Let her enjoy her last year, at least until Christmas before we start talking careers. I'm going to walk Elle to the train, stay here" he instructed and my mum pouted her lower lip. "Let me have a father daughter moment, would ya?"

He guided my towards the train doors, stopping me once again. "Elle, I know you're of age this year, but I'm going to ask you a M.favour. Please, do not go to Hogsmeade" I opened my mouth to protest but he held up a finger to stop me. "I know you've been reading the Daily Profit just as much as I have. Killing muggles and muggle-borns? I know you're smart enough to know that the daughter of a muggle and a blood-traitor isn't going to be safe."

I sighed. "I know."

"So just, be careful okay?" I nodded and he placed a firm hand on my shoulder. "Good girl. I love you" he kissed my forehead before taking a step back. "I know it'll be hard, but have a good final year, Elle."

"I'll try" and with that, I stepped out of the crowd and onto the train. As always, solo first years wandered the corridors, attempting to find a place to sit. I pushed past them, scouring the cars for my tribe. It took a few minutes but I eventually found them near the end of the train, a typical scene that made my heart swell.

Sasha was sitting on the floor of the car, waxing the handle of her broomstick. Mary was ripping out the pages of Witch Weekly, passing them to Kat, who sat idly by the window. Neither the boys nor Lily were there.

"Elle!" Mary squealed, jumping up from her seat and throwing her arms around my neck. I stumbled, dropping my suitcase to reciprocate the hug. "We're in SEVENTH YEAR! Isn't it exciting?!"

"Hey Mary" I laughed, prying her off of me and picking up my suitcase, putting it on the trolly. "Yup, we've made it."

"I don't know what you expected to happen" Sasha laughed, looking up from her broom. "Eventually we had to graduate."

"I know" she sighed. "It's just been a long seven years. And with everything going on with that Lord Voldemort guy, it's definitely been a scary summer."

Kat turned her gaze away from the window. "Well, we've survived the summer and are on our way to the safest place in the world" she gave a small, half-smile. I sat down next to her, crushing her in the biggest hug I could muster. "And as far as I can tell, nobody's going to fail. So this year can just be one big celebration. You're all going to graduate!"

"Sweet" Mary smiled, picking up her magazine once more.

Kat's head turned towards the cabin door. "You might want to get up, Sash. Evan's incoming, and she's pissed. As usual."

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