Warnings in the Library

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"Elle?" someone called my name, but I refuse to look up from my book. Alecto plopped herself down next to me, her eyes alight with some sort of excitement. "ELLE!" she ripped the book from my hands and I cringed back into my seat with a whimper.

"Sorry, old habits die hard" I mumbled and looked up at her grudgingly. So far, despite all of Alecto's attempts to make nice, I still preferred being an only child to having an older sister. Besides, Kat was more of a sister to me than Alecto could ever be.

She giggled a girlish giggle and touched my shoulder lightly. "Oh Elle, you are too funny!" I tried my best to smile at her, but instead it probably looked as if I was holding back a barf. "But in all seriousness, I have a favour to ask you."

I nodded hesitantly, my mind racing with the possibilities. What in the world could she want from me? She was gorgeous, and pretty well-liked now that Amycus was gone. Then again, she was also smart enough to realize that Amycus was her only friend, and with him gone, she had to stand up on her own two feet. Maybe her change in attitude was all an act, after all.

She opened her mouth to speak, and then looked over my shoulder, closing her mouth unintelligently. "Hey Elle" Sirius sauntered up to the table, his eyes glued to Alecto. She held out her hand and he took it, raising it to his mouth and pecking her skin lightly with his lips. "I'm Sirius" he said as held her hand in front of his face.

"Alecto" she giggled. I made a pointed note of the fact that he hadn't put down her hand yet, and she hadn't pulled away. Instead they were just looking into each others eyes and not saying a word. Sitting between them felt.... intrusive.

Also, the sight of Sirius and Alecto making googley-eyes at one another made me want to yack.

I pushed away from the table, scooping my books up in my arms. "Alecto, didn't you have something you wanted to ask me?" I turned to her and she gave me an impatient stare.

"No" she said coldly. Her eyes flickered over to Sirius and she giggled again. "I mean, not anymore" she said sweetly and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever" I said and headed for the door, leaving Sirius and Alecto behind to make all the eyes at each other that they desired. I walked at a fast pace, hurrying to get out of there as fast as possible. I had nearly made my escape when I was rudely stopped by none other than Rita Skeeter and her posse of deranged Sirius Black fan girls.

"Really? You twits again?" I groaned and shifted my books so I could put my hands on my hips, hoping the stance was intimidating... or something. "I'm going to say this again, slowly, for you ninnies. There is nothing going on between Sirius and I!" I enunciated each word with purpose. "And besides, looks over there! He and Alecto are practically eye-fucking right now." I whisper-yelled, gesturing a hand back at them.

"Even if he is involved with her" Rite sneered in reference to Alecto "He's still pretty cozy with you. That's a major problem."

"We've warned you Annabelle" Heather said menacingly.

"What are you going to do, eh? Duff me up in the middle of the library?" I asked sarcastically. "Jealousy isn't a good look on you, Skeeter. He's clearly got a thing for Alecto. Maybe its because she isn't a psycho-stalker like you lot?"

"Oh Elle" Rita tutted. "Alecto has been in and our of our little group for years. She's obsessed. I'm sure this is all apart of her plan" Rita rolled her eyes behind her glasses.

"It'll never last between them. But like I said... we warned you" Heather repeated and took a step towards me.

"Listen!" they stopped and looked at me, the same blank look on each of their faces. "Why are you so threatened of me? I mean look at me! I'm not nearly as pretty as Alecto! Or, as much as I hate to admit it, as smart as you, Skeeter! There's absolutely nothing special about me that Sirius Black, of all people, would take interest in!" I finished and the rest of the girls looked at each other inquisitively.

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