Chapter Fifty-Three: Trent Gets Schooled

Start from the beginning

"Wow, looking good Luna" Leo said and I smirked.

"I know" I said while flipping my hair.

"More like looking beautiful" Chase whispered in my ear, making me smile.

"Thanks, trust me I wanted to look good and not get humiliated by Principal Perry" I said.

"Nice background" Adam said and I nodded.

"Bree, your zombie picture was the least of the problems with the yearbook. Perry photo-bombed every group picture" Chase said.

"Of course she did" I groaned in annoyance.

"Drama club" Chase said as he flipped the page to show us the drama club picture.

"Cheerleaders" Chase once again said as he flipped the page.

"Swim team" Chase said as he started to flip the page but Leo snatched the book from Bree.

"No!No, no, no! None of us need to see that again" Leo said and we all nodded

Soon the bell rang and everyone started getting up to leave.

Me, Chase and Leo walked into the hallway to see Trent and the other football players playing football.

"Trent, what are you doing?" Chase asked.

"Using football practice as an excuse to knock over innocent bystanders" Trent said.

"But it's not even football season" Leo said.

"True, but it's always tackling season. Heads up!" Trent yelled as he threw the football to Leo who caught it.

Then the football players start running at Leo as me and Chase were quick to move away.

Leo screamed as he got tackled to the ground, making me cringe.

The football players got off of him as Trent walked up to him and extended his hand.

"Let me help you up" Trent said.

Trene being nice must mean he needs something.

"Yeah, right. I'm not falling for that" Leo said.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm only being nice 'cause I need something" Trent said with a smirk.

Leo hesitates at first but soon accepts his hand as Trent pulls him up as he walks back over to us.

"You guys...are gonna help me past my history test" Trent said with a smile.

I raised my eyebrow at him in confusion and he seemed the noticed because his eyes widened in fear.

"Well...only you two, Luna scares me and I know if I made her do something for me she'd beat me up again" Trent said.

I smirked and nodded as he turned back to the guys.

"You don't even take history. The only class you have left is physics" Chase said.

"And since when do you care about taking tests?" Leo asked.

" There is a lot about me you don't know. I have many layers. I am very dense" Trent said and we looked at him weirdly.

"Hmm. Yes. Yes, you are" Chase nodded.

"Look, Perry says I can't fail again" Trent said.

"But all you do is fail" I said and the guys nodded.

"Oh, but you can. It's kind of your thing" Chase said.

"Come on, there's gotta be some kind of trick. Like, what's that thing you do that makes you pass tests?" Trent asked.

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