an unfortunate event.

Start from the beginning

Kiana wandered around aimlessly until she found another store this time it was filled with less perishables and had some corpses in it. She flipped over a corpse and said "what happened to you." she could tell it was fresh, enough. She then heard the sound of a greatsword about to impact her and she dodged. Saying "who are you?" The woman who swung it looked patched and Kiana said "d-do you need help." She grabbed her water bottle from he bag she had and said "d-drink up." The girl reluctantly took the drink and said "sorry I thought you were one of the cultists?" Kiana then said "cultists?" The girl shrugged "ever since the world went to shit there were many factions created, some were killed off by the cultists as a result of them not giving them the supplies, that's why the bodies are here, and at the last place you went to, these cultists are ruthless, and incredibly dangerous, grab as much as you can from here and I'll take you to the group I am staying with."

Seele looked at the cultists and said "time to playy." The cultists looked at her and went to attack her. Seele grinned and said "oh please, don't make me laugh." As she struck one, she realized that she barely made a scratch on it and became confused? She then saw the cultists run towards her so she ran away, using her abilities to escape.

The woman walked along holding supplies with Kiana saying "the cultists are crazy tough, my greatsword barely cut through their skin, not to mention the fact that they have quite a big arsenal,i t would make the army shudder." Kiana responded with "so how have you survived?" The woman looked away "we live underground, travel in small groups and are already creating counters for them, it's been tough, but I'll tell you more in the privacy of our base."

Alex walked around when he saw some cultists and said "hey, you five, I need a little help?" The cultists turned and held their weapons out ready to fire at Alex. As they shot Alex closed his eyes and felt the bullets penetrate and said "wow, didn't feel a thing, want to try again?" The cultists stared daggers at Alex and one said "food, for the boss." Alex just shrugged and said "what?" as one got close to him Alex snapped his arm with little effort and yelled "come closer and feel the wrath of me!!" Alex could feel his blood spilling onto his skin, and staining his clothes, but he couldn't care less, as he picked up the gun from the cultist he hurt Alex said "fear me." The cultist spoke with each other before running off and Alex yelled out "COWARDS." He then took deep breaths and heard the voice of a young girl, he turned and saw Seele.

As Kiana and the woman got back to the base a male said "Ma'am, we got the springs up and running so we can now have fresh water coming into the base as well as the one for the spa too." The woman looked shocked "Spa, I thought we canned that project?" The male responded with "we did, but we were using less water to make drinks than we thought to we thought we could use it for something different. The woman then said "alright then, is the meeting room free?" The male nodded "yes ma'am." The woman nodded leading Kiana towards it.

As the two entered the room the woman said "I forgot to get your name, I didn't want to ask out of fear." Kiana  nodded "I'm Kiana, Kiana kaslana, What about you?" The woman then said "well I just go by delta, this whole world was once a paradise, before people ruined it, governments, wars, hostile takeovers, all of that. Survivors split into groups, most of us, like myself hid in order to not be detected by other groups, such as the cultists, a bad bunch of people if you ask me, they're cannibals, they sexually harass women and worst of all they kill for fun, and they make their prisoners watch. You understand why I hate them a lot more now?" Kiana nodded "It must be hard?" Delta turned away not giving an answer for a few seconds "We've lost a lot of good people, some of them were my friends, students, people I considered family, have you lost anyone like that?" Kiana sighed "The only person I've lost in my life so far is my father he just up and left one day, and I never knew my mother. so no I haven't lost anyone like that so far, I'm just hoping I don't have to." Delta then said "You must be a dimension jumper then, I was one until my entire team had a disagreement with each other, leading to us splitting off. I came here. The others went around to other places, I wonder what they're doing now?" Kiana then said "I'm not, but my friend is, he does it as a job."

Alex and Seele walked through the wasteland when they came across a large fallen building over a large gap along with some of the cultists. "careful Alex, I see more of them over there." Alex nodded and said "We'll need to go ar-" he then stopped looking pale as a ghost before saying "th-there's a project end instance here, I can feel it's presence, we should turn back." Seele then said "a-alright."

kiana and delta were continuing their talk when the same male came in and said "Ma'am, we found a cultist, he's dead." Delta then said "someone was able to kill one?" The male shook his head "we found his body in the desert, a blood trail was found leading away from the body." Delta then said "right, where is he now?" The male pointed to another room "in there, ready to be incinerated."

Alex sat down, while he didn't feel any of the effects of blood loss, he definitely was being affected. Seele then said "A-alex are you ok?" Alex looked at Seele and said "not having any medication doesn't help, I could heal using the remaining energy that's in me, but I don't want to risk project end finding our exact location." Seele then looked At Alex's arms, and the bullets that were shot into him. She then heard some footsteps in the sand and saw people who said "does he need help?" Seele nodded "then we'll take him to our base, you might know someone there."

Kiana was sitting around while delta was elsewhere, when she heard that someone new was in the base, she peaked out and saw Alex being helped in by one of the males. She ran over to Alex and said "are you ok?" Alex nodded "yeah, just need to heal." Kiana then grabbed her bag and said "I did have some medical supplies on me, did you need some?" Alex nodded "Yes please." Kiana smiled and grabbed something out of her bag and said to Alex "here, use this." She handed something that looked similar to his normal one's but had a different liquid. So against his better judgement he took it and immediately felt the effects, his body began to repair and the bullet holes closed up dropping the bullets onto the floor. Delta then came out and said "ah, you must one of Kiana's friends?" Alex nodded shaking delta hand and said "yes, and we need to talk about something quite important."

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