𝐀 𝐔 𝐓 𝐇 𝐎 𝐑 - 𝐍 𝐎 𝐓 𝐄. 𝒈𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒃𝒚𝒆

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(I cried while typing this out)


When I started this book I genuinely had no plan or outline, I simply sat down with my phone and wrote. When I look back I realize how stupid that was- but now I know I should outline before writing. So it's crazy to me that people liked my book that was started on a whim. If I'm being honest I didn't know where I wanted this book to go until at least chapter ten.

I never thought I would get one hundred reads when I originally published, much less eighteen thousand. All the support I've received and patience you've had with me blows my mind. When I took mental health breaks I was always so scared I'd lose readers and yet I never really did- instead I received love and kind words of encouragement. I never felt rushed to get chapter out because all of my readers were, and still are, so supportive.

While this book is completely fictional and made up I hope it has made people laugh, smile, or even get angry. Writing helps me escape the world and I hope it helped my readers fall into the world I created.

This was a work of love and tears and a lot of frustration. Some days I would get upset because I had no idea what to write and other days the words just poured out of me. Writing each chapter was a different process- some times a chapter took a week to write and other times it took two hours.

Any advice I can give to baby writers who are just starting out is this- if yo have an idea just start writing it. No matter what it is I guarantee it's easy, just word dump it and go from there. PM me any time for help, advice, or just some encouragement.

I do want to give out some thank you's.

To sav_and_the_phantoms thank you so much for always being there to talk to and checking in with me when I was at my lowest- you feel like my anonymous big sister. I'm so glad that we've met and you are a wonderful human. Not to mention your writing has inspired me. The talent you hold amazes me, so thank you.

To bella_phant0ms thanks for being there to make fun of chapter 11 and for being a funny person. So sorry for not giving you spoilers but you'll get over it. Also you win best comments, that always make me smile or just laugh.

To Im_a_weirdoo20 you have just been a huge supporter of mine. Your support has helped me gain confidence in what I was writing so thank you for that.

To anyone and everyone who has been here since the beginning I thank you for sticking with me and the continued support.

It's been one hell of a ride and I still can't believe this book is over, I hope the ending was satisfying because it took me two weeks to write out. Make sure to add in what your favorite part was if you have one.

I love each and every one of you beautiful humans. I hope you enjoyed my book and I hope some of you come back to rr (reread). If you want to read more of my books just click on my profile and get to reading, and if not check out my reading lists for my favorites.

That being said I love you and thank you.


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