𝐅 𝐈 𝐕 𝐄. 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒓𝒑𝒉𝒆𝒖𝒎

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When they stepped foot into the Orpheum they were hit with nostalgia. Julie remembered the last time she had been here. It was a night she would never forget. It was the night that she thought the guys had died, again. It was the night that she realized they were her family.

Not band mates. Not friends. Not best friends. Family.

The boys remembered how they had almost left Julie to play by herself. How Caleb had tried to get them to join his club. How the jolts had almost killed them but Julie saved them.

"So..." Julie says noticing they were all feeling the nostalgia.

"We need you guys for a sound check!" Someone calls from the stage.

Everyone heads over and gets set up on the stage. Julie picks up her microphone and glances at Luke awkwardly. She just realized she would still have to sing with him. They had chemistry when they sang. That was undeniable. But she just shakes off her nerves. They spend a few minutes getting set up and talking about what they are going to play first. They decide on the order Bright, Flying Solo, Finally Free, Stand Tall, and Edge of Great.

After the sound check they head down to the dressing rooms to chill until the show. Flynn and Alex left to go in search of food. Luke sat on a couch on his phone with headphones in. After all these years Luke still didn't get technology. Julie and Reggie were sitting on another couch opposite of Luke discussing how they should announce their fake relationship.

"I say that after the last song when we walk down to bow I should just grab you and kiss you. Then we announce our relationship. Then we announce the world tour." Reggie suggests.

"Okay yeah that could work. Or you could stand up after we're done and I'll pretend I have no idea what your talking about then you say we're dating then we kiss. I don't know the fans are going to lose their shit one way or another." Julie suggests, shrugging.

"Yeah. Okay I'll think we should do it your way. It's cooler. Also... does this have to be like a passionate kiss or just a short one?" Reggie asks not wanting to make Julie uncomfortable.

"Um... I'd say somewhere in between." Julie says. Reggie still looked nervous. Not to kiss her but he was older than her. He didn't want Julie to be uncomfortable with any of this.

"Reg it's fine. We kissed enough times at that stupid party that it's good. So stop stressing. Okay?" Julie says turning his head so his eyes meet hers.

"Okay." Reggie says. Then Julie and Reggie do their handshake. They made one up last year during summer vacation.

After an hour or so of waiting they got ready for their performance. Ironically Dirt Candy was opening for them. Alex being Alex danced in the wings the whole time. After Dirty Candy was done they all walked of toward Julie and her band.

"Hey Julie. Good luck tonight." Carrie said giving Julie and Flynn a quick hug. Flynn and Julie hug back.

"Good luck boys. And Alex loved your dance moves you should be the 6th member or Dirty Candy." Carrie says as she hugs each boy

They had all made up last year. Now Carrie and Alex were best friends. They went shopping together on weekends and gushed over boys. Then it was their time to go on. Carrie waves as Julie walks onto the stage by herself. The boys could still poof. It was the weirdest thing. They were human but poofed in for the first song. Then they would poof out and join her on stage so they could all interact with each other.

It made no sense to anyone about how Thai was possible but they went with it. No one understood it but fans didn't question it so no one cared.

Julie stands behind her piano and looks into the crowd. She saw Carlos and his girlfriend standing in the front row. Carlos waved and Julie blew a kiss at him. Then she put her hands on her piano and started singing.

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