𝐍 𝐈 𝐍 𝐄 𝐓 𝐄 𝐄 𝐍. 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒎

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Julie smiled as she watched Dirty Candy's rehearsal. Carrie was in her element. She was all smiles and she looked very confident. Alex was on the floor next to Julie hyping them up as the music played.

Luke was laying with his head in Reggie's lap. Reggie had his hands in Luke's hair and they were watching some movie while they waited. It was this, this is what Julie was living for. She loved her fans and her music and her band but it was her friends and the bond they all had with each other and music that kept her going.

"Get it Carrie!" Flynn yells from beside them.

She was smiling as she watched the group. But Julie noticed how her eyes lingered on Carrie a little longer than all the rest.

Carrie and Kayla went up to the front and moved their hips before moving down to the floor and doing a fan kick.

"Yes ma'am!" Alex yells clapping.
"Best hype man out there." Carrie calls before they go back into their routine.

Julie smiled and finally Dirty Candy was done rehearsing and now it was Julie and the Phantoms turn. As Julie moved to stand up she felt a sharp pain in her arm then she saw blood trickle down her arm. Wincing she looked around hoping no one noticed. But of course someone did.

"Hey Julie you okay?" Luke asks.
"Yeah I'm good my arm just... the cuts scraped against my flannel and it hurt. I think one of my cuts opened back up." Julie explains.

"Okay well how about I take you and wrap you arms?" Luke suggests.
"Yeah um... okay." Julie says.

Reggie looked at Luke smiling before leaning down and placing a kiss on his forehead.

"Thanks." Reggie whispers.
"Don't mention it." Luke says.

Luke walked with Julie to the door and held it open as she walked out. They walked in silence as they made it too her dressing room. Julie sat down at her station in front of her mirror and pulled out the medical supplies.

"Can you take of your flannel?" Luke asks.
"Yeah." Julie says shrugging it off.

Luke picks up the hydrogen peroxide and bends down in front of her. Gently taking her wrist in his hand he looks at it. Her most recent cuts had opened back up. Blood was spilling out of them. Luke glanced up at her and took the top of the bottle. Pouring it on her wrist he heard Julies sharp intake of breath.

"I'm sorry." Luke says.
"I'm okay. I've been through worse." Julie whispers.

Luke then dries her cuts with a towel and grabs the gauze. Wrapping her arm before using the medical tape to tape it in place. Then he leaned down and placed a kiss on her bandaged arm looking up at her. Julie was looking down at him. His lips on her wrist.

"Thank you." Julie says.
"Anything for you Julie. You know that." Luke replies.

Julie just smiles at him and runs her hand through his hair. Luke closes his eyes at the contact.

"That feels nice." Luke says groaning a little.

Julie smiled and leaned down to kiss his head.

"I love you." Julie whispers.
"I love you too." Luke says.

They sit like that for what felt like hours but it was only minutes. But when you love someone like Julie loved Luke a minute felt like forever.

Julie was sitting in her dressing room fixing her hair. When the door opened and Reggie walked in.

"Hey." Reggie says walking over to her.
"Hey. Why are you back?" Julie asked.

After rehearsal Alex decided he was hungry and so everyone left to eat together. Julie stayed behind she didn't feel much like going out.

"I don't know. I was bored without you." Reggie says.

Julie just smiles at her and Reggie moves to sit on the couch. Reggie just keeps his eyes on her as he watches her touch up her makeup and hair. He watches her every movement. Before she stands and moves to the couch.

"Can I sit here?" Julie asks smiling.

Reggie doesn't answer he just reaches up and pulls her down on his lap. Julie bursts out laughing.

"Hi." Reggie says.
"Hi." Julie replies resting her head against Reggie's.

Reggie and Julie just sit like that. Looking at each other. Mapping the stars in each others eyes.

Reggie was asleep on the couch. Julie had left to get them food over an hour ago, but she had texted 20 minutes ago to says she was stuck in traffic.

"Hey Julie I have a melody in my head. And I need help with a harmony." He hears a loud voice say as the door bangs open.

Reggie jumps awake to see Luke standing there with a his song book.

"Oh sorry Reg." Luke says as he looked around the room.

"It's fine I wasn't asleep anyways." Reggie says through a yawn.

"Yeah you were." Luke says.

Reggie watches and Luke moved towards him setting his journal down on the table and lifting Reggie's head. Luke sits down and gently sets Reggie's head in his lap.

"What are you doing?" Reggie asks looking up.
"Sleep." Luke whispers.

Reggie wants to argue but he's too sleepy so he just snuggled back into Luke and shut his eyes. Luke tan his hands through Reggie's hair and hummed a tune softly. And soon Reggie was asleep. Feeling loved and protected by his best friend.

When Julie arrived back with the food she opened the door to see two brown haired boys asleep on the couch. She walked in and gently set the food down smiling as she moved towards them.

"Hey." Luke says as his eyes fluttered open.
"Hi." Julie whispers.

Reggie starts stirring and his eyes flutter open. At the sight of his girlfriend his eyes light up and he reaches for her hand. Julie places her hand in his and he gently strokes it.

"Wanna nap with us Jules?" Reggie asks.

Julie looks at the two boys who were giving her puppy eyes. And nodded. They both smiled and moved over.

They ended up with Luke sitting up right with Julie and Reggie on either side of him. They turned on the tv and played One Day At A Time quietly in the background and they slowly started to drift asleep.

"I love you." Luke whispers.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Luke smiled and snuggled into the top of them before dropping his head on julies kissing it. Then kissing Reggie's. Before finally he fell asleep.


Because he loved both of them.




How could he ever chose. And word of all? They were the ones dating. Which sucked.

But for now Luke just smiled and slept. Holding the two people he loved the most.

⚠️A/N - Okay so. My mental health has gone really down and I need to take some time off of wattpad. This might be a week. Less than a week. Or more. I'm not sure. I hope you guys understand.

That's it. Mwah.


Word Count - 1207 Words

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