Day 270

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After everything that happened with Kai, I started to feel better about having amnesia. He just made me feel like I had nothing to worry about when I actually probably did have things to worry about. I just liked the way it seemed like everything was at peace when he was around. I was relaxed and most importantly, I was happy. And I figured that for a person stuck in a situation like the one I was in, that was all I could ask for.

"Did somebody order an amazingly awesome person?" he said loudly as he walked through my front door.

"No," I said jokingly as I left the kitchen and walked into the living area. "I'm afraid you have the wrong house, sir."

"Well, dang it," he said, playing right along with me. "I guess I should go back home then."

"But," I said, elongating my voice out, "I guess having an amazingly awesome person around never hurt anyone."

"Good choice," he said, making me laugh in response.

"I thought you had to practice today or something," I said as he walked closer to me. "That's what you told me when we talked on the phone last night."

"Well, we did talk for like three hours straight, so I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot what I said," he said, coming to a stop a few centimeters in front of me.

"Yeah, we did," I said, feeling kind of embarrassed as I turned my head to the side. "You like brutally murdered the battery of my phone."

"I brutally murdered it?" he said, wearing a grin. "You're the one who called me, remember?"

"Oh wait, I think my amnesia's kicking in again," I said, pretending to close my eyes and placing a hand on my forehead. "Yeah, I don't remember that."

"Ha ha," he said sarcastically. "You're so funny."

"What can I say?" I shrugged. "It's just a natural thing, I guess." He laughed seriously this time and then we went to sit down on the couch. "No, but seriously, I thought you had something work-related to do today," I said as I sat down next to him.

"Oh, I did," he said with a sigh, pressing his back against the couch.

"Then why aren't you there?" I asked.

"Because I thought my time would be more efficiently spent with you," he said with a smug smile painted on his lips.

"Aw," I said as I laid down, placing my head in his lap. "I have such a thoughtful boyfriend. I am so lucky."

"You best believe it," he said, earning a laugh from me. "Wait, did you just call me your boyfriend?" I looked up at him, thinking he was just joking but saw that his face suggested otherwise.

"Yeah," I chuckled. "What else would you call this? Friends with benefits?"

"Well, it could be," he said, cocking his head to the side temporarily.

"Is that what you think we are?" I questioned, sitting back up and facing him.

"No, of course not," he said, shaking his head. "No, it's just I didn't think you thought of me like that."

"Well, based on our current events," I said, moving so that I was now sitting on his lap, "I think it's safe to say that we're dating."

"Again?" he said with a faint smile and raising his eyebrows.

"What do you mean 'again?'" I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. "We never really broke up, did we?" His smile grew and he stayed quiet for a few seconds before speaking again.

"Yeah, I guess we didn't," he said, not taking his eyes off mine. I smiled at him and then I leaned closer to him, pressing my lips against his softly.

He kissed me back almost immediately and it didn't take too long after that for a simple kiss to turn into an intense make-out session. He encircled my waist with his hands, pulling me impossibly closer to him. We both flinched and pulled back when I heard the front door click open, revealing my mom as she walked through the door. I quickly got off of his lap and sat next to him, both of us trying to hold back our laughter.

"Hi boys," she said as she removed her shoes and walked into the living room.

"Hi mom," I said, about to burst into laughter.

"Hi, Mrs. Do," Kai said, his face turning red.

"You saw that, didn't you?" I asked, turning my head to look at her.

"I did see that," she said, walking past us and into the kitchen. We both broke out in laughter and stopped after a few seconds.

"Come on," I said, standing up and grabbing his hand, as I few stray laughs escaped. He took hold of my hand and then we both headed upstairs to my bedroom.


I left his house after staying for lunch with him and his mom. As much as I loved being back with him, it just wasn't the same. It was like I was with the same person, but at the same time, I wasn't. This Kyungsoo was nothing like the one I used to know. And I was honestly starting to miss him the more I was with the new one. Yes, we had been through a lot, but all of that made us who we were and without it, something just felt off about our relationship.

"Hey, Baek," I said as I walked into the dorm and took my shoes off.

"Hey, Kai," Baekhyun replied with a smile. "How's Kyungsoo?"

"Great," I said with a small sigh. "He still doesn't remember anything, but he seems to be feeling better."

"Well, that's probably because you literally visit him every day," he said with a suggestive smirk painted on his lips.

"Hey at least I'm not sulking around here like a zombie anymore," I said, earning a chuckle from him. Just then, Chanyeol came out of his room, looking as if he had just woken up. "Hey Chanyeol," I said.

"Hi," he said, yawning sleepily. "Out with Kyungsoo again?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Is everything okay with you two?" he asked with narrowed eyes. "I know you guys and it doesn't take long before you to be back to your lovey-dovey selves."

"Yeah, everything is great," I said with a genuine smile. "Look, I know you're probably going to say 'be careful' and whatnot, but I don't really think that's going to get me anywhere. If he can't remember anything on his own, it should be our job to help him make new memories."

"And by we you mean you," he said with a faint smirk.

"Exactly," I said. 

He just chuckled and shook his head in response. "Whatever floats your boat, weirdo," he said as he went into the kitchen for a cup of coffee.

"I am no weirdo," I said, pointing a finger at him. "I'm just in love."

"Yeah and that's what is so weird," he said, getting a laugh from me.

But he had a point; being in love was pretty weird.

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