Day 260

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Going over to Kyungsoo's house had become a regular activity for me and it was honestly one of the few things I looked forward to in life anymore. I remained as cautious as I could and tried to hold on to the fact that there might be a chance that his memories never came back at all. I didn't want to get my hopes up, but admittedly, it was hard not to. I couldn't really tell if spending time with him and answering his questions was helping or not, but it was also just nice to be able to be with him without having to worry about any of the issues or drama in our past. I was almost thinking that I could get used to this new reality if I had to.

The taxi pulled up to his house and I noticed his parent's car was gone, so I figured he was either gone with them or there alone. To see, I knocked on the door a couple of times and rang the doorbell, but got no response. So, I tried to twist the doorknob and sure enough, the door opened, which was a scary thought but also nice if it meant he left it open for me.

"Kyungsoo?" I said loudly once I closed the door. I looked around a little but saw no sign of him anywhere, which made me start to worry. "Kyungsoo, are you here?" I called again, starting to walk up the stairs.

I came to the top of the steps and moved my head around to see if I could see him in any of the rooms before walking any further. Soon after that, I saw him lying in his bed, his body perfectly still except for the rising and falling of his chest.

"You're still in bed?" I said as I walked in and sat on the edge of his bed with only one of my legs propped up on it. He jumped at the sound of my voice and stared at me for a few seconds before sitting up.

"Oh, sorry," he said as he straightened himself out. "I didn't hear you come in."

"It's fine," I said. "But you know, you should really lock the door after your parents leave. You never who could just walk in."

"Says you, the person who literally just walked in my house," he said with a faint grin on his lips.

"That's exactly my point," I said, pointing at him. "I could have been some psychopath with bad intentions. You're lucky I'm not."

"Well, thank you. I'll remember that," he said as he laughed, making me chuckle a little.

"So, what are you still doing in bed?" I asked him on a more serious note.

"Uh...I just thinking I guess," he said, letting a sigh escape between his parted lips.

"About what?" I said, adjusting my position slightly.

"Everything," he said, staring off out the door with furrowed eyebrows. "I guess I'm thinking about what's happened, all the things I've forgotten and can't seem to remember. It's all driving me crazy."

"Then just don't think about it," I said, earning a look from him. "I mean, if it's driving you crazy, just stop thinking about it."

"That's easier said than done," he said, letting out a sigh. "I want to remember, I really do. But, even with you helping me, I can't."

"No one said you had to remember anything," I said in a more sympathetic tone. Of course, part of me hated to say that, but if trying to remember so many things at once was causing him any kind of pain, I'd rather he never remembered.

"I know that," he said as he lowered his head, a certain sadness in his voice that made my heart ache. "Can I ask you something?" he said in a quieter tone, keeping his head down.

"Yeah, anything," I said, my eyes trying to focus on his face.

"What..." he started to say before lifting his head and looking at me. "What were we? You know, like before all this happened. What were we?" I shifted a little, actually afraid of his question.

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