Day 96

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I woke up the morning after all that drama with Baekhyun and quickly discovered I was alone. I sat up in my bed and looked around the room, only to find that I was the only in there. A yawn shoved its way through my lips as I rubbed my eyes and moved to the edge of the bed before completely getting off of it.

"Oh, Kyungsoo, you're up," Joonmyun said as soon as I entered the living room. "I left some breakfast for you in the microwave."

"Oh okay, thanks," I said sleepily. "Have you seen Jongin?"

"Yeah," he said, turning around a little from his spot on the couch. "I believe he said he was going to the practice room. Probably to get some early practice in. You know him."

"First there, last to leave," I said, earning a little chuckle from Joonmyun. I went into the kitchen and took a few sips of coffee before heading to the practice room. When I got down there, I peeked in the door and smiled when I saw that he was dancing. "Another early start, huh?" I said with a faint smile, opening the door and walking in. He stopped and turned around at the sound of my voice and just sort of looked at me. 

"Oh yeah," he said, sounding a bit flustered. I walked over to the bench and sat on it, wondering if he was okay. "I'm actually kind of glad you came down here because there is something I want to talk to you about," he said, picking his water bottle off the ground before taking a seat next to me.

" everything alright?" I asked, starting to feel a bit worried. 

"Yeah, well...for me at least," he replied before taking a sip of his water. I didn't quite know what he meant by that, so I just waited for him to continue. "So before I went to the academy, I was dating this girl but we had to break up because we knew the whole long distance thing wouldn't work. Anyway, she called me yesterday and wanted to know if I wanted to get back together."

I literally felt my heart come to screaming halt and then nervously pick up speed. 

"Y-You said no, right?" I said, my voice getting shakier as the words came out.

"No," he said with a casual sigh. "I said yes." 

My eyes started to blink anxiously, hoping that he was just joking around or something. "Are you serious?" I asked, already fearing his answer.

"Yeah, I'm serious," he said, looking at me as if he was confused. "Why wouldn't I be serious?"

"Because of me...because of us," I said quietly. 

"What about you?" he asked, almost as if he completely forgot about everything that had happened. "Oh, you mean our little fling," he said, elongating his voice.

"I didn't think it was just a fling," I said, shifting my body slightly. 

"Well either way, that's over," he said, looking at himself in the mirror. "I mean, it never really started again anyway, right? It doesn't make sense to continue now."

"Jongin, why are you doing this?" I asked, getting on my feet. "I thought we loved each other. I thought you loved me." He just chuckled a little and turned around to face me.

"Maybe at one point I did, but like I said, us continuing anything serious wouldn't make any sense now. My career is too important to risk for you," he said. "Besides, what we had was just high school romance. I mean, you can't honestly tell me that you thought we'd actually stay together." I just sniffled, trying hard to hold back any tears, as I lowered my head. "Aw, you did. Cute."

"I thought you changed," I said. "I thought you said you weren't like that anymore."

"Well, you thought wrong," he said. "People don't change that easily. This isn't a movie or a drama, Kyungsoo, this is reality. One person doesn't have the ability to change another person. Unfortunately, that's not how it works." He picked up his stuff from the ground and headed towards the door.

"So that's it?" I said as I turned around, making him stop in his tracks. "You had your fun with me and now you're done?"

"Pretty much," he said with an impatient sigh.

"Just like that?"

"Just like that," he said. "Maybe you'll find that person one day, but that person's definitely not me. Sorry." Then he just continued walking out the door, leaving me alone with my tears.

"Kyungsoo." I felt my body being shaken so I turned over so I was half laying on my back. "Hey, why are you crying?" Jongin's comforting voice asked me. I was confused at first, so I blinked my eyes to make sure this was actually happening. "Are you okay?"

"J-Jongin?" I said in a shaky voice. "You're still here?"

"Of course I'm still here, silly," he chuckled, pushing some hair away from my eyes. "Where else would I go?" 

"Thank god," I said with a relieved sigh as I buried my head in his chest and basically wrapped my entire body around. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. 

"I had a dream," I said, starting to shiver in fear from just remembering it. "I had a dream that you left me for some girl and said that you never loved me and that you were just using me this whole time. It seemed so real...I was so scared that it was."

"Well, it wasn't," he said, wrapping his arms around me. "I'm right here, baby. That's the way it's going to stay."

"You promise?" I said, trying to restrain myself from crying anymore. He moved back enough so he could cup my face in his hands and looked me right in my teary eyes. He stayed silent as he kissed my cheeks and didn't stop until he had kissed all my tears away. 

"I swear," he said in a soft tone. "I will never leave your side until the day we are both dead and in the ground." I giggled a little as I sniffled, not taking my eyes off of his. "We're okay. You're okay."

I nodded and sniffled again, wiping my owns this time. "Sorry," I said. 

"Why are you apologizing?" he said with furrowed eyebrows. 

"I don't know," I replied, making him laugh out loud. 

"You're so cute," he said as a few more chuckles left his mouth.

I looked him in the eyes as his smile slowly began to fade. "I love you," I said almost in the form of a mumble. 

"I love you, too, baby," he said as he kissed the top of my head. Then I let my eyes fall shut again, happy that it was all just a dream.


The way I confused the fuck out of myself with this chapter because I didn't remember including this part 💀

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