Day 198

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Our entire schedule had to be thrown away due to the fact that Kyungsoo was still in the hospital and unconscious. There were no signs of him waking up any time soon, but we all hoped he would eventually. Joonmyun had already talked to our manager and explained to him what happened that night. We left the part about his fight with Kai out. Kai was already feeling bad enough, so we figured he didn't need someone telling him what he already believed: that it was his fault.

"So, he still hasn't woken up yet?" our manager asked us while we were meeting with him. 

"No, he hasn't," Suho answered, shaking his head a little. "But the doctor said he will eventually, the impact wasn't so bad that it would kill him. He'll probably have memory loss, though, how much just depends on things they can't test until he's awake."

"Well, this is just great," he said sarcastically, stress-fully running his fingers through his hair and pacing. "None of this even makes sense. How'd you say this happened?" he asked, stopping and turning to Suho. All of our heads immediately shot up and some of us looked at Kai, who kept his eyes pointed down and a blank expression on his face.

"Uh...he just told me he was going for a walk and then the doctor called us with the news," Joonmyun lied. "Distracted driver hit him."

"You're being serious?" he asked, his eyebrows raised. Joonmyun just nodded his head mutely in response instead of talking again. "Remind me to never let any of you go for walks again."

"What are we going to do about our schedule?" Jongdae asked, changing the subject. "We're so close to the end of our promotions. Are we just supposed to keep going or postpone things until he gets better?"

"Well, if there is a good chance he won't have any memory of ever being part of the group in the first place, then we can't do that. Who knows how long it will take for him to get his memory back," he said. "But, I guess, until he wakes up that's what we're gonna have to do. Meanwhile, we'll try to figure out how to re-work the schedule. Until then, you guys get a break, okay?" We all nodded and then said goodbye before he left the room. 

"I'm sorry, guys," Kai apologized, speaking his first words to us since Kyungsoo had been hospitalized. "This is my fault, so I'm sorry I screwed everything up for you."

"Kai, don't be ridiculous," Chanyeol said, patting his shoulder. "None of us think this is your fault."

"Well..." Sehun started to say, but stopped when we all glared at him. "I-I mean, yeah, this isn't your fault. Not at all." Just then, Suho's cell phone began to ring loudly and all of our heads turned to face him as he answered it.

"Hello?" he said. "Ah, yes, it's nice to hear from you again." He went silent for a few seconds and we all stood there in suspense, waiting for him to talk again. "H-He what? Oh my god...okay we'll be right there."

"What is it? What did he say?" Minseok asked nervously and frantically. 

"He woke up," he said in disbelief. "Kyungsoo woke up."


When we reached his room we all stopped outside his room and peeked inside before actually going in. The first thing we saw was him, sitting up and talking to his parents. Honestly, it felt weird seeing him like that because it felt like it had been a long time since I had seen him. A bittersweet atmosphere filled the space around us because as much as we were overjoyed, we also knew the chances of us going in there and having a happy reunion with him were slim. His mom noticed us standing out there and got up from her seat before joining us out in the hall.

"Boys, I'm glad you came," she said with a smile.

"When did he wake up?" Sehun asked.

"Just about an hour ago actually," she said, pointing back at him as she shifted slightly. "His father and I were just sitting there, watching him, when we saw his eyes start to flutter open. It was the most relieving thing I've felt in a while, seeing him wake up."

"It must have been," Joonmyun said with a faint smile occupying his lips.

"How's his memory?" Kai asked hesitantly as if he already knew the answer.

"I don't know, honestly," she answered. "He seems fine with us, but then again we have been the only people he's seen since he woke up. I don't know how he'll be with you."

"Well, can we go see him?" Baekhyun said.

"Of course, you can," she replied softly with a small nod. "Come on."

We all followed her into the room, our fingers crossed and hoping for some miracle to happen. Most of us, though, were hoping for Kai's sake. Although we were all friends with Kyungsoo and cared for him, Kai loved him more than all of our love combined and multiplied by 20. I knew his heart was already hurting because he blamed himself for the entire accident, so I could only imagine what he would be like if Kyungsoo didn't remember him.

"Sweetheart," his mom said in a comforting tone once we were all in the room. "Look who came to see you."

His head turned at the sound of his mother's words before his eyes landed on us, scanning over every single one of us carefully. His expression was blank for a while, but then his eyebrows became furrowed as more seconds passed.

"Who are they?" he asked with a dead serious face on.

And just like that, our worst fears had come true.

"You don't remember them, honey?" she said, moving back to his side while she glanced at us. He just shook his head, looking back at us. "Are you sure? They are your bandmates and friends."

"I'm in a band?" he asked, as if he was completely shocked by the news. "With all of them?"

His mom looked at us with sorry written all over her face. All of our heads hung low in melancholy, disappointed that all our hoping had failed us. We had to face the fact; he didn't remember us.

"I can't do this," Kai said, turning around and leaving the room.

"Kai," I called after him, not succeeding to catch his attention before he disappeared around the corner. "I'll go talk to him," I said to Joonmyun, getting a nod from him, before running after him. "Kai, wait," I said, raising my voice so he could hear me.

"What is it, Chanyeol?" he asked without looking at me, but stopping his feet.

"You can't just leave and give up on him like this," I said, slightly out of breath.

"And why not?" he replied.

"Because you love him and you don't just turn your back on the people you love," I said.

"Says you," he said, shifting to face me and revealing his red, teary eyes. I moved my pupils back and forth uncomfortably, knowing he was talking about Baekhyun.

"Kai, that is a completely different situation and you know it," I said. "You still have a chance to be with him. You just can't give up. Not now."

"He doesn't know I love him. He doesn't even know my name. So, how am I supposed to hold onto someone who doesn't even know me?" he said, clearly getting emotional again. I let out a heavy sigh and just looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "I'll be at the dorm," he said before turning back around and slowly walking away.

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