Day 124

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"God, I'm so out of shape," Kyungsoo complained after practice had ended. "I don't think I've ever sweated this much in my whole life." 

I laughed at his words before taking a sip of my water. "Here," I said as I pointed the bottle in his direction. "Drink up. The doctor said you need to stay hydrated."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," he said, making a small pouty face as took the bottle from me. I smiled a little and then Joonmyun started talking again, catching all of our attention.

"I think that's enough practice for today," he said. "Besides, we don't want to give the doctor another reason to visit Kyungsoo."

"Ha, ha," Kyungsoo replied as a few of laughed. "I'll catch up with you guys again in no time. Just wait."

"You're going to need to practice a lot more, hyung," Sehun commented. 

"I can do that. I'll just take private dance lessons again if I have to," he said, glancing over at me and smiling.

"Oh god, please make them stop," Chanyeol groaned in response. "I really don't want to imagine the things you two would do alone in here."

"Then don't," I said. "It's not our fault your mind exists in the gutter."

"Well, as long as we're all ready for the comeback and they don't get caught, I don't care what they do when they're alone," Joonmyun said. "If I thought about it too much, I'd have nightmares."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "You guys are so dramatic," I said. "But yeah, I'll stay behind and help him out. There's still time left in the day."

"Thanks, Kai," Joonmyun said. "Take as much time as you need. We can manage dinner tonight." Kyungsoo and I both nodded, and then the other members said goodbye as they left the practice room. 

"So, shall we resume our private dance lessons?" I asked him with a faint smile on my face.

"As long as it still comes with rewards for when I do well," he said, earning a faint chuckle from me. 

"We'll see. It has been a couple of weeks. Who knows how much work we'll need to do to get you up to speed?" I teased in reply. 

"I guess I should be happy I have an excellent teacher then, huh?"

"You should. You're learning from the best of the best and I don't do this for just anyone. Better count your blessings." He laughed again and I responded with a smile. "Okay, enough joking around. Let's start from the beginning, okay?"

"Yes, sir," he said, walking over to stand next to me as I got into position in front of the mirror. 


Over the next week or so, Kyungsoo and I would stay behind after practice. The extra practice time seemed to be helping a lot because by the time we were due to start filming the music video for our comeback, he was pretty much caught up with the rest of the group. 

One weekend after my extra session with Kyungsoo, I decided to head back to the dorm with him instead of stay for longer. I was feeling pretty confident about the comeback, so I figured it would be okay to allow myself a little bit of leisure. I had all my stuff in my hands and was just about to open the door when I saw Taemin and the rest of SHINee starting to walk in.

"Hello," I said as I bowed to them.

"Hi, Kai," Onew said as he waved.

"Hi," I replied as the other members walked inside. "Hey, Taemin."

"What are you still doing here all alone? Didn't you guys finish practice already?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, I was just helping Kyungsoo out a little bit. I was gonna head back to the dorm now," I explained.

"Ah," he said as he nodded. "Oh, I saw your manager when we were on our way down here and he said he needed to talk to you about something. Told me to let you know if I saw you."

"Okay, thanks," I said, not thinking too much of it. "Have a good practice."

"Yeah, thanks," he said as he walked in more and I left. It didn't take long after that for me to find our manager standing at the top of the stairs, on his phone.

"Hey, Taemin said you wanted to see me," I said as I approached him.

"Oh yeah, follow me," he said, putting his phone in his pocket and picking up his feet. I took another drink of my water as I did the same and started following him. We walked all the way until we reached the CEO's office. He opened the door for me and I walked in, now feeling a bit worried as to what was going on.

"He's here," our manager said, causing the chair to face the open door.

"Oh, Jongin," he said with a friendly smile. "I'm glad you're here. I wasn't sure if the message would get to you. Sit."

"Okay," I said shyly as I did just that.

"Thank you, you can leave now," he said to our manager. He just nodded, bowed, and then left the room, closing the door behind him. "I suppose you don't have a clue as to why you're here," he said to me with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, I don't," I replied. "Why am I here? Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't...well, not yet anyway," he said, shaking his head. "I'm here to talk you about your relationship with Kyungsoo."

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