Day 167

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With our latest comeback giving us more popularity, we seemed to get busier. Our promotional period was extended by a month, so our schedules were packed with more radio programs, variety shows, and interviews than I knew I was able to handle. In a way, it was nice because it took my mind off of more dramatic parts of my life, but it also just made me dread confronting them even more.

The next day, I was woken up by the feeling of being lightly shaken. I groaned and moved my head to the side, too tired to even attempt to open my eyes. The soft and comforting tone of Kyungsoo's voice finally made my eyelids lift up after another minute or so. I turned my head so that I was now looking at him and his beautiful heart-shaped smile. 

"Good morning, sleepy head," he said as he moved some of the hair away from my eyes with his fingers.

"Ugh," I groaned, dragging my hands down my face. "What time is it?"

"Almost five in the morning," he replied, glancing at the time on his phone.

"It's too early to be awake," I said, flipping back over on my side and pulling the covers over my body. "Wake me up when it's like ten."

"I wish I could sleep in, too," he said with a little chuckle. "But we have lots of stuff to do today No breaks for us are in the near future I'm afraid."

"Fuck," I grumbled, my eyes opening fully again. I groaned and laid on my back but turned my head to look at him. "But I don't want to..." I whined. "I'm too tired. Can't you see that I'm sleep deprived?"

"Well maybe if you didn't force me to stay up for two hours last night, you wouldn't be," he retaliated.

"Hey, we both know you wanted that," I said as I pointed a finger at him.

"Yeah, but not for two hours...that's a little much," he said.

"Ah, there's no such thing as too much," I said as I finally started to sit up. "At least not in our relationship there isn't." He just let out an embarrassed laugh and covered his blushing face with his hands. "Besides, it's technically your fault."

"My fault?" he said as he quickly uncovered his face.

"Yep, your fault," I said with a quick nod.

"How is it my fault?"

"Well, for one, if you weren't so tempting I wouldn't have a problem," I said. "But you are so I do have a problem, which right now has caused major sleep deprivation."

"Well,I apologize for something I have no power over," he said, this time making me laugh. "Now stop making excuses and get your ass out of bed. I'm not gonna be the one getting in trouble because of you."

"Yeah, yeah, okay," I said in defeat, scooting to the edge of the bed. He just smiled, shaking his head, before starting to walk toward the door. 

It was during moments like that that I remembered just how much I loved him. Not only that but how much I needed him in my life. That was why it was so hard for me to tell him about what happened with the CEO. Although it was nothing bad, the seemingly endless possibilities made me fear what would happen to us. I didn't want him to ever have to worry about us not being together the way I did. But I also knew I couldn't keep something like this from him any longer. I had to find some way to tell him without dramatically changing everything. I just didn't know if that was even possible.


After it seemed like we had stopped at a million different places, a day of rest finally revealed itself to us a week later. I shamelessly slept in until around ten o'clock that day, but Kyungsoo was still sound asleep when I finally started to open my eyes. Deciding to let him rest a little longer, I got up from bed and went to the bathroom before going out to the kitchen for something to eat. A few of the members were up as well, most of them gathered in the living room and watching television. I greeted them briefly and then went into the kitchen, my stomach growling in hunger.

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