Day 174

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"He still hasn't come back?" Sehun asked, after having woken up from all of the commotion. Kyungsoo had been gone for one entire hour and I had heard nothing from him. Not a call or text or anything.

"Do you think I'd be pacing back and forth if he had?" I said rather loudly and out of pure worry.

"Kai, calm down," Chanyeol said. "He'll come back soon. I'm sure he probably just got lost or something."

"Easy for you to say," I said. "You always see the bright side in everything, Chanyeol. Not everyone is like that."

"Wait, why did he even leave in the first place?" Baekhyun asked, changing the subject slightly.

"I don't know," Joonmyun said. "I just saw him come out of his room and leave without saying a word."

"He left because of me," I admitted in anger, making everyone's heads turn to face me. "We had a fight because I wouldn't tell him that the CEO found out about our relationship."

"That's why he left?" Sehun asked in disbelief almost.

"Yeah, that's what I just said," I said.

"This is why I told you to just tell him," Chanyeol said to me. "It wasn't a big deal, nothing bad happened."

"Well, it's too late now, isn't it?" I said. Chanyeol only rolled his eyes, letting out a heavy sigh, before the telephone started to ring. Joonmyun sprung up from the couch and we all listened carefully as he picked up the phone.

"Hello?" he said in a slightly hesitant tone. "Yes, this is him. He is? Is he okay? Yeah, yeah, we'll be right there. Thank you."

"Was that about Kyungsoo hyung?" Sehun asked as we all gathered in front of Joonmyun, only earning a silent nod from him.

"Well, what did the person say? Is he okay?" Minseok asked next.

"That was the hospital that called," he said, his voice beginning to shake a little. "He got hit by a car and now he's laying in a hospital bed, totally and completely unconscious."

"What?" Baekhyun said in absolute shock. "H-How?"

"They don't know," Joonmyun shrugged. "They said the driver of the car brought him in right after he hit him. He admitted to looking at his phone and by the time he looked up and saw him, it was too late."

"Shit," I cussed, running my fingers through my hair in anger, realizing that this was all my fault.

"The doctor said we can go see him. His family is already there," Joonmyun added.

"Well then what are we waiting for?" Sehun said. "Let's go."

We all arrived at the hospital within minutes and rushed inside to the front desk. "May I help you boys?" the nurse behind the desk asked once we approached her.

"Uh yeah, we're here to see Do Kyungsoo. He was brought in a couple hours ago, I believe," Joonmyun answered.

"Let me check," she said before she started typing something into the computer. "Yes, he is up in room number 205. Just take the elevator to the second floor and it will be one of the rooms on the left."

"Okay, thank you," Suho said, bowing slightly before we all headed to the elevator. Once we reached the second floor we fast-walked down the hall until we saw some people gathered outside one of the rooms. "Excuse me, is this where Do Kyungsoo is staying?" Joonmyun asked the doctor.

"Yes, it is. Are you the one I spoke to on the phone?" the doctor replied, earning a silent, panicked nod from Joonmyun. "Well, it's nice to meet you," the doctor said with a faint smile. "I was just telling his parents that he will be fine once he wakes up. At this point, he is still unconscious due to the force of the impact causing so much trauma to his head."

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