Chapter 18: Well We're All A Little Crazy

Start from the beginning

We arrive at the little café. My mom drops us off at the front door, because it's downtown LA and there will be no parking available. I look at my phone, it reads 7:56, we are supposed to be there at 8, so we're good. When we walk in I spot Flynn, she waves as Julie and I try to make our way through the crowd.

"Are we early?" Julie asks once we reach her.

"Too early..." Flynn gestures towards the stage.

"How'd she get on the list?" I ask.

"I bet her daddy made a call," Flynn crossed her arms.

Alex poofed back next to us. "Did you have fun?" I know I had a huge grin on my face.

"I- I was just doing that for you guys," Alex was out of breath.

"Uh huh, sure you did," Luke said sarcastically.

"That was kinda good," Julie looks at the stage.

"Yeah I forgot why I hate her so much..."

Carrie comes up to us, "Hey girls! Isn't it past your bedtime?"

Flynn looks at us, "Now I remember."

Carrie crossed her arms, "If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come."

Julie got kind of close to Carrie's face, "That's not why we're here."

The announcer walks on stage, "Okay looks like we're closing the night out with The Phat ones Crew!"

Carrie and the rest of Dirty Candy snickers. We all turn around and look at Luke.

Alex rolls his eyes, "Really?"

"Yeah man, my hand writing sucks."

Julie takes my hand, "Come on!"

She gets to the mic and corrects them. We start our song. There's only one part throughout the song I'm nervous about. Back to back, the girl and guy sing. And knowing Luke, he's going to do some chemistry filled performance.

Alright here it comes, I walk over to Luke,
"I got a spark in me," I put my mic out to where he can sing. His eye contact is so intense...
"I got a spark in me."
"And you're a part of me," he's still not breaking eye contact as I move the mic back to him.
"And you're a part of me."
"Now till eternity," his eyes are so pretty.
"Now till eternity."
"Been so long and now I'm finally free!"

We finish the song and Julie says, "We're The Phantom Crew!"

I look at Reggie, "Tell your friends."

We smile as we quickly move off the stage. Flynn is in the back corner, jumping up and down.

"That was amazing!"

I look at my best friends, "Yeah, it was."

We were facing the guys when Luke pointed behind us, "Look! Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming this way."

We turned around and there was a manager coming our way. Reggie was amazed, "She looks all business who should do the talking?"

We all looked at him. "Right right, the girls."

She reaches out to shake our hands with a smile saying, "Hi, my name is Andi Parker, and you must be-"

"Julie," a familiar male voice said.

She looked past Andi, "Dad?"

"It's time to go."

Andi sighed and walked away, Julie gave Flynn and I a quick hug before going over to her dad.

"Uh oh. Julie may have to quit the band, again!" Flynn looked at me with worried eyes.

"I don't think Ray would do that to her, Flynn," I say.

My mom finally finds me. "Honey! You did so good. Where did Julie go I just saw he-" she spotted the boys.

She reached her hand out to Luke, "Hi I'm Loraine, Y/N's mom. You must be Luke?"

"Ye- yeah. I am, pleasure to meet you," he shakes her hand.

She turns to Reggie, "And you my dear, must be Reggie?"

Reggie looked at my mom like Julie looked at Nick. Luke bumped his shoulder. "Yes. Hi! I'm Reggie! Hi..."

"Reg, you can let go of my mom's hand now."

"Oh, uh sorry," a hint of pink spread over his cheeks.

Flynn looked at her phone, "Oh my mom's here. Gotta go..." she hugged me.

"Bye!" My mom waved as she walked away.

She took me by the hand and started leading me away from the guys. "Bye boys! I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, definitely!" Luke shouts a little too loud.

I giggle as my mom and I walk out of the small café.

"So that's the one huh?" she asks as we're walking to the car.

"Yep he is the one that I told you about."

"I'm sure that flannel you're wearing is also his."

I looked down, forgetting I was wearing it, "Yeah... it is."

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