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Hisoka's pov

  Once we got back to our apartment, I pinned Illumi up against a wall and kissed him.

  "Hisoka, what are you-." he yelled before my lips touched his.

  Suddenly, I felt something sharp press against my chest and saw that Illumi was pressing one of his needles into me. I stepped back and laughed. Illumi did not look amused.

  "What the fuck was that?" He said, his eyes going hard.

  "Just affection, my love. I'll give you a warning next time," I winked in his direction and he rolled his eyes.

  "Please do. I didn't like that surprise as much."

  I pulled him into a hug and he just stood there. I guessed that he was still angry, and I laughed, finding his mood adorable

  "Awww, don't be mad. I was only playing," I said lightly.

  "I want to kill you, Hisoka. I want to make you feel pain," he said in a calm voice.

  I chuckled. "Why don't you wait? I'm sure we can do things that you'll enjoy before you kill me."

  Seeing Illumi like this was really turning me on, and I tried my hardest to not let it show. He walked away from me, unzipping his dress as he made his way back to his room. I made my way to mine, taking off my suit jacket and undoing my shirt. I sat down on my bed and flopped backward, sighing. Out of everyone to fall in love with, why did it have to be with my closest friend and ally. Did I want to ruin things between us?

  I rolled over and took my pills, feeling myself slipping. Why did I think skipping a day would be good? My emotions were starting to get jumbled again, and if I didn't do something, I'd just keep falling apart.

  "You actually think that you're good enough for Illumi?" I scoffed, turning my head as if I didn't want to see myself. "He can find someone ten times better than you'll ever be, Morow."

  I shut my eyes tightly and curled up on my bed, trying not to cry. I want to love Illumi, even if it kills me. I want to wake up with him every morning, to see his face in my dreams, to be able to give him the love he needs.

  I took a deep breath and sat up. I was not going to be weak. I can do this. I walked out of my room as sat on the couch. I saw that Illumi was in the kitchen, wearing just an oversized shirt and a pair of shorts, drinking wine.

  "Illumi, can you pour some of that for me? I asked.

  He came in with two wine glasses and a bottle. "Here," he said, pouring some for me. "You look like you need it tonight. Are you okay?"

  I took the glass and gave him a shaky laugh. "You don't want to know."

  He nodded, pouring himself some wine. We sat in silence, drinking wine and lost in our thoughts. Illumi turned to me after a while and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I took one and he lit it for me. I smiled at him and took a puff, watching Illumi light his own. It was years since I last smoked, but it did seem to relieve some of my stress.

  "So," Illumi said, pouring more wine into his glass. "Do you have any plans for the rest of the night?"

  "No," I said, taking another puff. "Why do you ask?"

  Illumi shrugged and sat back on the couch. "Just curious. I don't want to take you away from your other friends."

  I laughed loudly at that. "Don't worry, I don't have any other friends for you to take me from. It's just me and you, love."

  He rolled his eyes and continued to smoke. "You don't have to call me your love, you know."

  I reached over to him and gently put a hand on his leg. He looked at it but didn't take it off. I looked into his eyes and moved closer to him. "But I want to, Illumi. You are my love."

  He sighed, putting his wine glass down so he could cup my face in his hand. "I know I am, but I can't bring myself to say it to you yet, and I don't want you to feel as if this is all one-sided."

  I smiled at his words, and I was struggling to hold myself back from kissing him. "I understand. I'm not going to stop saying it though."

  He turned his head and nodded, picking his wine glass back up and finishing his drink. He walked to the kitchen and washed his glass, his cigarette sticking out of his mouth. He finished smoking and threw the cigarette butt away, yawning.

  "Good night, Hisoka," he said, yawning. "I hope you sleep well."

  I walked over to him and smiled. "How about a good night's kiss?"

  Illumi rolled his eyes but softly kissed my cheek. I was shocked that he actually kissed me, and I could feel myself go red. I watched him walk away and realized that I was smiling.

  I walked back to the couch and sat down, finishing my wine. I discarded my cigarette in the ashtray on the table, and I just sat there thinking about things. I sighed when I saw my glass was empty but decided to not drink anymore. I didn't want a headache in the morning.

  I went to the bathroom to wash my face and hair. I smiled at my reflection and laughed. I still had the same smile since I started performing at the circus.

  Slowly, I walked to my room and took my clothes off. I sat on my bed and put my head in my hands, allowing myself to cry. I haven't cried in a long time, and the relief it gave me was nice. I cried silently for about an hour, then I felt the sensation of sleep wash over me as I fell unconscious.

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