Chapter 33 : Just One Month

Começar do início

I stretch my hand to grab the remote when the door bell of my apartment rings.

This man got no chill.

“ Oh Mrs. Doris. Hello. Welcome. ” I welcome the Landlady, who rang the door bell. Guess Creep Male Bitch finally thought about his self respect. But why is she here?

“ Nora, I wanted to tell you something. ”

Okay, everybody needs to stop telling and asking me things.

“ Yeah, sure. ”

*Ding Dong*

The bell rings once again. I open the door to find the most expected human. Mr. Hans Creepy Anderson.

“ What now? ” I ask rudely.

“ Someone called me creep. I thought why not be one. ” he pushes me aside and enters inside like he owns the apartment.

Oh heavens. Let me just talk to Mrs. Doris first. Mr. Creep's drama can wait.

“ Mrs. Doris you were saying something? ”

“ Yes, actually I want you to vacant this apartment. ”

Wait what!?

“ W- why? I- I paid the whole rent, in fact a month in advance. ” I blurt. “ Yes, and I'm returning it to you. ” she hands me some cash.

“ You paid rent for previous three months very late. I can't tolerant this lack of punctuality. ” she explains being so kindly cruel.

“ Yeah because I lost my job but as soon as I got my salary from the new job I gave you the whole rent. ” I reply.

“ But I can't trust you anymore. ”

“ You can't what? Mrs. Doris, last time when I met you, you said it was fine, and we're cool. ”

“ And now I'm saying we're not. What if you lose your new job? ”

“ Why would you say that? I'm-- ” before I could complete my sentence Hans jumps into the conversation.

“ Can I say something here?” he asks.

“ No. ” I say.

“ Thank you. Hello Mrs. Doris, it's really nice to meet you, I presume you're the landlady of this apartment. ” he takes her hand and places a kiss on her knuckles.

“ I'm Nora's boss. And I think it's relevant to mention it here that she's very arrogant and rude in my office-- ”

“ Hey, what the hell are you saying? I'm not arrogant and rude! ” I yell in frustration. Seriously? Now? I'm about to get homeless and he's bitching about me to my landlady.

“ See, see, that's what I'm talking about. She's rude, always late, and she's super messy. I'm a fan of cleanliness, you know. I can fire her anytime soon. So now the decision is yours. ” he gives a full smirk and I stare at him with my mouth dropped open.

“ Nora, you just have one day. I want the keys by tomorrow. ” Mrs. Doris declares and leaves.

“ Oops. ” Hans gives out an evil scoff.

“ Do you have any idea about what did you just do? What am I gonna do now? I've nowhere to go. How am I gon-- ”

“ Move in with me. ” he says being as calm as he can be.

No wait. I heard it wrong.

“ What? ”

“ Yeah, move in with me. You can stay at my home. ”

Little More Love || Completed Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora