𝖨𝗌𝗇'𝗍 𝖠𝖻𝗈𝗎𝗍 𝖸𝗈𝗎

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I wake up to Thalia playing with her toys that were shipped from Winterfell

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I wake up to Thalia playing with her toys that were shipped from Winterfell. I made sure that she knew where she knew her family, not just from Kingslanding, but Winterfell.
A while ago Robb had sent a letter talking about white walkers, a myth that's told to children for a scare. Robb had been writing Jon as well. He says that a war is coming, with the dead. Robb told me he has mixed feelings. Not only that, but Robb tells me Bran has been acting a little bit strange every year. He is more quiet than he was before. He claims to be a 'three-eyed raven.' I know it doesn't sound true, but Bran could be telling this odd truth.

Thalias voice distracts my thoughts.
She runs to me and hugs me.

"Good morning Thalia, lets go to breakfast."

She smiled widely and ran to the door.

In the dining hall, only my mother, and Tommen attended.

"Good morning"

My mother smiles at me then Thalia.
Thalia sits next to my mother while I sit next to Tommen. I notice he has barely eaten.

"The King needs to eat."
I bumped him with my elbow.

He doesn't respond.

I look at mother and she slightly shrugs.

I clear my throat,
"Where is uncle Jaime?"

My mother also clears her throat,
"Speaking of your uncle, I need to speak both of you."

I chuckle,
"What? Are we in trouble?"

My mother face turns serious.

I say.

I turn to my little brother about to ask him where's Margaery, but I didn't even bother.

After breakfast my mother summons me and my uncle.
She sits in silence.
I figure is in front of her.
Uncle Jaime opens it I get startled.
It's a snake with a necklace that only my mother, Myrcella, and I have.

"There are only three types of those necklaces, the ones Raliana and I are wearing, and the one Myrcella has."
She points.

"Is it a threat?"
Uncle Jaime asked stupidly.

"Of course it's a threat!"
I raised my voice frigidly.

"Myrcella is alone surrounded by people who hate our family, 'its a threat."
I looked at the snake disgusted.

"No note?"
Jaime asked again.

"They blame us for the death of Oberyn and his sister, and every tragedy that's befallen their cursed country."
My mother gets up from her chair,
"I will burn their cities to the ground if they touch her!"

"Calm down, Cersei."
Uncle Jaime attempts to comfort.

"Calm down? Are you absurd Jaime? My whole family thought I was dead for months, you were locked up for months, this whole family has hit rock bottom not to mention Westeros hates us and you want to tell me to calm down?"

"MOTHER! Everyone has been going through a stressful time these past years, give uncle Jaime a break! Please!"
I defended.

"Oh you don't know what I've-"

I interrupted her.
"My sister is in danger and we need to focus on her!"

My mother sat down in defeat and stress.

I sigh I wipe my face with the stress of sweat.

"I am going to make things better."
Uncle Jaime said out of the blue.

"You've never made anything better."
Mother says.

"I am going to Dorne, and bringing our daughter back."

I cross my arms and sigh,
"You can't just ask Prince Doran to give her back, she's promised to his son."

"Well I am not going to ask."

"You go there with an army it's an act of war."
My mothers voice cracked slightly.

"No army."
I moved his head.
"Do you know where they are keeping her?"

"Oberyn mentioned the Water Gardens."

"I'll find her."
Jaime touched the necklace.
"Is there anything else?"

"You are going to Dorne alone?"
I asked concerned softly.

"Never said I was going alone."
He smirked at both of us and excited.

He shut the door and I turned to mother.
"I am sorry I snapped at you like that, I shouldn't have."

"Oh Warborn, you are just a girl who wants her sister, that's all."

I smiled a little then walked out.

Two days later I getting prepared with Bronn for their trip to Dorne.

"Uncle Jaime."

He turns around.

I hesitate then hug him. I haven't hugged him in a while, it felt good.

"Bring her back..."
I whisper and he nods.

I walk away waving goodbye to both men.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 | 𝗥𝗼𝗯𝗯 𝗦. | 𝗚.𝗢.𝗧Where stories live. Discover now