chapter 22

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Lyra - it's been hours since they both went in. Suddenly nurse came out and said.

Mam varun sir get consciousness. He is asking you.

I rubbed my tears and went inside. I sat beside him.

Varun - are you ok.

Lyra - tears are rolling down, and I nodded yeah I'm ok. When I'm about to leave he grabbed my hand.

Varun - please don't leave me. She sat again. Lyra please marry me again. I'm sorry for what I have done to you. It will never happen again.

She smiled. And kissed my forehead.

Lyra - I Don't know how to react. I don't want to lose him. So I kissed his forehead and said yes.

Arun came inside. How are you varun.

Varun - thank you arun for saving me today.

Arun - no need for thanks. Now take rest. Lyra ishan is consciousness now.

Varun - her face brightened. Varun I will come with that she went to see our baby.

Lyra - I went inside. Thank God vitals are stable now. I kissed him. I sat there. Later I left the room..

He proposed me for a marriage, I said to navya. She is very happy. She hugged me.

Later after 24 hours of observation they discharged them.

Varun - she asked for a simple wedding only navya and arun are presenting.

I buyed her a wedding ring and proposed her. She accepted and hugged me

She is very beautiful in her wedding dress. We took the vows. Later marriage is completed.

It's been a week now. Now she is moving in with me.

I booked the tickets. We said our goodbyes to both navya and arun.

I welcomed her. She placed the child on bed. Please sleep some time Lyra. You are tired.

She slept sometime. While I played with Ishan.

She is a Sleeping Beauty. I kissed her forehead. We ate our food. Later in bed she hugged the baby and I hugged her tightly.

I know I want her completely. She is looking that gorgeous. But I can't force her. I want her to take time to adjust.

I kissed her forehead. Sleep peacefully Lyra. Love you

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