chapter 17

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Navya - we reached home. She slept in my lap for sometime. Later evening me and arun decided to change her mood.

Myra - where the hell is he. He is even avoiding my calls. Her secretary said he went for a business meeting. He never stay these many days.

Arun- we went to small cafee near our place. Finally she looked relaxed. I want Lyra to be happy.

Varun - I want to see my child at least once. But how. She is soo scared of me. I decided to see from distance.

I reached her place. I think there she is. She looks adorable. How I missed her.

They both look soo cute

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They both look soo cute. She is kissing him. I want to hold the child and I want to say I'm your dad. But I can't. She already sufferd so much because of me.

How can I correct that. I love her. Wait did I said I love her. When this happened to me. When did I fallen for her.

But Lyra if you given me a another chance. I will prove myself that I'm a good husband.

I stayed in car. I don't want to scare her. I clicked the photo. Wow how I never noticed she is such a beautiful soul. My foolishness I followed Myra which is completely opposite to me.

She is only for my money. I realized that.

Arun - Lyra come inside  it is cold outside.

She went inside. I'm happy she has good friends who stayed with her in her most tough times.

Ok now I need to leave. There is a lot of fog. My place is at least one hour distance from her.

I can't see anything. There is a lot of fog. And wait something is coming from opposite which I can't see.

Suddenly a heavy loaded truck hitted me. And my car flipped on air for two times and landed on the floor. Later my vision blurred . And I blank out.....

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