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Settling back in Alexandria was easier than before.

Maybe it was the five years between our house and Hilltop. Maybe it was that Hilltop was now a ghost town of what we lost to Alpha and those pikes.

Either way, it was easier this time.

The girls began going to class with the other kids- something Carl and I were dreading to figure out once they were old enough. But, they fit right in as they quickly made friends with Gracie who helped show them around. Of course, Judith was there when able, but her priorities were in her training,

The most surprising to come out of everything was that we weren't a house of four with a fifth on the way. Instead, a house of five with a sixth on the way (with the occasional exception where we'd wake up to find Daryl asleep on the couch).

When we were moving, Lydia hung in the back, unsure what to do. 

When I asked her if she knew where she was staying, she said she had nowhere.

Now, she sleeps soundly in the room down the hall every night.

Winter was hard to get through- emotionally, mentally, even physically. So, spring was highly welcomed.

Considering Rosita and I's due dates were less than a week apart, Carl, Siddiq, Gabriel, Eugene, and Michonne were well on their way to having breakdowns of their own.

And taking in the fact that Siddiq was our main doctor, I was sure he'd break first.


"You know," Siddiq sighs, "It's crazy how different your pregnancies have been. I know everyone is different, but this is a lot."

"What do you think that means?" Rosita asks him, rubbing her bump.

"I'm not exactly an OB," he reminds, "But, I'd say it means you're carrying one of each."

"One of each?" I repeat.

"One boy, one girl," he explains, "Unless there's suddenly twins."

"I have two already, you better be jinxing her," I point to Rosita.

"I could not handle two at once," she denies quickly.

"I mean if you have triplets, you could have one for each dad," Carl offers.

"Carl," she warns.

Carl snickers, holding his hand out to me, helping me off the table.

"I pray that you have triplets," Rosita threatens.

"And a happy quadruplets to you!" I call as we make our way to the door.

"Quintuplets!" Rosita shouts.


"I don't know what comes next!"

"Then, I win!"


A couple weeks later, I couldn't sleep due to the consistent kicking from the baby. By now, I was around 5 months along and feeling it immensely.

But, since we haven't heard or seen anything out of Alpha- still respecting her borders, the terms were going better than I'd initially thought.

Walking into the kitchen I see the lights already on. For a second, I wondered if Daryl was back from his hunt until I spot Lydia sitting alone at the kitchen table, her arms stretched out wide with her head laid down as she stares at the placemat.

"Hey," I greet.

"Oh, you're awake," she stumbles, sitting up straight, "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just the baby not wanting to sleep," I explain and she smiles a bit, "Baby doesn't sleep, I don't sleep."

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