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Hasty knocks on the door sound as I was resting on the couch.

Though we were obviously limited in ways of 'partying', Kate, Enid, Tara, Cyndie, and Rosita demanded we do just that. Which, all it consisted of was us hanging out in Kate and Cyndie's spare trailer and talking for a few hours.

I did try alcohol for the first time.. It wasn't bad.. Not good, either..

Once it got later, Maggie demanded I go to bed- saying I needed rest before tomorrow. I felt like I was back on the farm again as she all but set my curfew.

"Jade!" Alden's voice calls from the door.

"Hang on!" I call back, reaching the door.

Once I open it, Alden and Siddiq step inside, lugging Carl along- each of his arms thrown over their shoulders.

"What did you do to him?" I ask as they place him on the couch.

"I.. It was not my idea," Siddiq defends.

"He's a lightweight," Alden says, standing up straight, "That's what we learned tonight."

"He's drunk?" I ask, looking to where Carl was now picking at things on the table.

"Ooh, so much more than that," Siddiq whistles, stepping backwards toward the door.

"You got him drunk and sent him back to me?" I cry, following Alden as he makes his way to the door as well.

"I smell the liquor on you, too!" Alden points out.

"I'm still standing on my own two feet," I remind, "This is his first time drinking, guys!"

"Oh shit," Alden mutters, looking back to Carl. 

As I follow, Carl now has his hands over his ears, trying to drown out the noise. He says something indistinguishable before rolling onto the floor and laying his arms on the table.

"You got him shit faced on his first time?" I demand, whispering to them.

"We didn't know!" Siddiq says, a laugh forming in his throat.

"Loud!" Carl shouts.

I take a deep breath, looking back to the two culprits. Siddiq gives a weak smile and Alden bites his lip to keep his laughter down.

"Out," I point to the door.

"Yes, ma'am," Alden nods, somehow sidestepping Siddiq and making it outside first.

"If it helps, I can drop by in the morning and give a checkup. I have some headache-"

"I'm a doctor, too, Siddiq," I remind.

"Right- right," he nods, "See? You've got it completely under control!"

As I tilt my head to him, he laughs shortly before stepping outside as well.

Even with the door closed, I could hear the two men's hysterical laughter as they retreat.

Sighing, I move to the couch. Unlike Carl, I sit on the couch and not the floor.

"Hey," he greets, trailing his finger along the side of my water sup.

"Are you okay?" I ask, resting my hand on his head and running my fingers through his hair.

"No," he shakes his head.

"What's wrong?" I ask, still patting his head.

"My friends were making fun of me," he pouts.

"Siddiq and Alden?" I ask and he nods with a hum, "Why?"

"Because I.." he sighs, "I'm a coward."

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