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The year following the wedding felt like a roller coaster.

Everyone drifted back into normal habits and their home communities- Daryl back in the woods to search for Rick.

Before Daryl left, I gave him Merle's dog tags back.

Daryl responded by unhooking the chain, taking one of them off and handing the chain and second tag back to me. He placed his tag in his boot before walking away. And though I hadn't seen him after that as he stayed in the woods, I felt connected to him as we shared a piece of Merle unbeknownst to anyone else.

Due to Michonne's pregnancy, Carl and I figured it would be best if we stayed at Alexandria for awhile. We stayed in the original house, living alongside Michonne and Judith. It was nice for awhile, but I could tell that the void Rick left was beginning to get to Carl as he seemed to grow lethargic when returning home. Personally, I struggled to live in the last place I was with Glenn while Negan was still locked up down the road.

And it wasn't even a full month after that Michonne went into labor. Siddiq and I together helped deliver the baby. And a sweet boy named 'Rick Grimes Jr.' was born. Judith began calling him 'RJ' and it's stuck since then.

Upon RJ's birth, Michonne grew more and more distant from others. Between Rick's disappearance, Alexandria struggling, the Jocelyn situation, and a new baby- no one could really blame her.

But, that didn't lessen the blow when she cut off trades to the other communities. She apologized, but felt it was best Alexandria and the people there take time to focus on themselves when they could hardly manage on their own.

Carl and I were still there when she decided that. And sensing it was an issue, we moved back to Hilltop in our old trailer. To get away from Negan felt like a weight off my shoulders. I was happy to return to Hilltop. Return to Maggie's side- Hershel, Kate, Tara, Enid, Alden, Jesus, Kal..

And again, I could see another change in Carl. He was happy to be away from Alexandria and the empty spot at the table Rick left. But, being away from Judith and RJ was also affecting him. As though he couldn't win no matter where he went.

After awhile, Kate made the final move to Oceanside to be closer to Cyndie as Cyndie began leading full time. It was hard to see her go, but it was nice to see Kate coming into her own once again.

Winter ended, spring came and left, and before we knew it, we were back in summer.

Summer in which another wedding was held.

This time, for Enid and Alden.

When fall came around, Oceanside had to cut off their trades as well. Due to the bridge not being fixed, the travel was getting harder and harder for them. By time they arrived for trade, most goods were damaged or they lost someone on the road to getting there. Vehicles were becoming scarce as well. Between finding cars that worked and gasoline that was still able to be used- it was another trial we all had to adapt to.

This left Hilltop, Kingdom, and Georgie's group to be the only ones actively trading.

But, as time went on, even those felt strained.


"Why do you think Georgie only wants music?" Carl asks as we trail through a store.

"I asked.. She wouldn't say," I shrug, placing what we could use in a bag.

"She's so mysterious for an old woman," he snickers.

"Old women can be terrifying. Sometimes, they're the most terrifying."

"Maggie's still young," he points out.

"What are you trying to say?" I laugh.

"That despite her age, she's the most terrifying," he says, turning the corner to another aisle.

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