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"I really was beginning to wonder if you two even remembered us," Tammy Rose comments, Emily fast asleep on her lap.

"You know that's not true," I tell her, Sophia asleep in my arms as well.

"Four months is a long time," she reminds, "Tara said you write letters and told us you were doing just fine, but I can't lie and say I didn't miss you four."

"Well, we're here until further notice," I smile softly, looking to my lap.

"You are?" she asks, voice lighter.

I glance to her for a moment, grinning at the hope in her eyes. I laugh under my breath, looking where Carl, Earl, and Alden were at the kitchen table. Then, look between Tammy and Enid.

"Yeah," I nod, putting my lips in a thin line to keep composure.

"Holy shit," Enid laughs, covering her mouth.

"Does-" Tammy begins to ask before a knock on the door sounds.

Before anyone else could move, Alden assures he's got it and answers the door. In seconds, he's turning back to Earl.

"Hey, Earl.." Alden calls, "Tara's here."

Earl stands, brushing his hands on his jeans as he makes his way to the door as well.

"Tara, come on in, darling," he waves.

Tara takes a single step in, heaving a sigh of relief when she sees everyone occupying the room.

"I uh.. I need you to come with me, Earl," she sighs.

"Everything all right?" he asks with concern.

"Not quite.. It's Henry," she answers.

Earl sighs, but nods as he reaches for his coat. He walks out the door before Tara could even follow.

"Ms. Chambler," Tammy calls out, voice scolding.

"Yes, Ms. Tammy?" Tara asks, hers strained and stressed.

"Is that vomit you have on your shoes?" Tammy asks.

Looking to the floor, there is the clear sight of puke on Tara's boots. Tara inhales deeply before groaning.

"Goddammit, Henry," she hisses, stomping out the door after Earl.


"If they were out at night, Daryl and Michonne wouldn't risk that travel. They'd hunker down and wait out the night," Carl explains.

"It's been almost a day since they went out looking, that's too much even for them," Enid denies.

"Rosita said she had to leave Eugene there because he was injured. They wouldn't risk moving him until morning," I remind.

"Yeah, I mean.. shouldn't we give it a little longer?" Alden adds.

"It's been almost a full day since they went out looking," Enid argues.

"And given what Rosita said.. that herd trying to follow them. Like the walkers were tracking them," DJ sighs.

"Marco? You got an argument?" Tara asks.

Marco looks at the map, biting his lip, "Maybe we have a few small number teams loop around part of the grid. See what we see."

"Jade, Carl.. You know Daryl's tracks better than most. Any sign he'd try and leave?" Enid asks.

"He wouldn't leave a track if that herd really was searching for them," Carl shakes his head, "Even those that only we would know from a long time ago."

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