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"It's not name brand and we have no veil, but it's something," Enid shrugs, looking over the white dress.

It was a simple summer dress- but it had an old look to it. Maggie found it in the storage awhile back ago. She said she figured it used to be part of the museum when that's what the place still was. With some stitching from Enid, she made it more my size. Though, seamstress sewing and doctor sewing were clearly different- she pulled it off.

"It works," I assure, heading to the door, "Thank you."

"Hey, anytime. It's fun that we get to do something like this, you know?" she smiles.

"I'll catch up, I've gotta-" I don't finish my sentence as I walk out the door.

Catching sight of Maggie, I duck behind the trailer, watching around the corner as she chases after Oscar and Alden. 

Maggie was hell-bent on finding items for the old saying 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue'.

Something old, she decided was our rings. They came from Rick and Lori, they fit the description.

Something blue was provided by Jesus when he found a light blue ribbon. Maggie hasn't decided if she wants that on the dress or in my hair.

She was searching for the something new and something borrowed and I was convinced it would be the thing to drive her mad. Sadly for them, a group of her own was dragged into helping her search.

Alden, Oscar, and-

"I've heard of 'bride-zilla'.. Never 'mother-of-the-bride-zilla," Jesus laughs, crossing his arms beside me, him in view while I stayed hidden.

"Do not blow my cover," I tell him and he laughs again.

Upon seeing Jesus wasn't by her side, Maggie turns and calls out, "Jesus!"

"Yes, ma'am," Jesus nods, jogging to her side.

I shake my head, deciding that going inside would be my best bet- shelter from Maggie, at least.

But, as I open the front doors, I'm greeted by the sight of the scouted decorations being hung around the main room.

"Hey there Bride to be," Bertie grins, waving as she helps place flowers.

"Hi," I smile, giving a small wave back.

"I can't tell you how happy we all are for this," she expresses.

"Oh, me too," I nod.

"You and Carl.. We love you and we're happy for you. But, you're starting something new around here. After this, a lot more people will be up to having weddings. It'll be like the world before!" she cheers.

"Yeah," I laugh, "I- um.. I've gotta find something, actually. I'll catch up."

"Of course," she smiles.

And I close the door back.

Placing my back against the wall of the big house, I look around. Salvation, please..

In the distance, I spot Tammy Rose walking into her trailer.

Oh, thank God..

I keep eye out for Maggie, rushing to Tammy and Earl's trailer. Nearly running in place, I knock feverishly on the door.

"It's open!" Tammy calls.

Fumbling with the knob, I dart inside, heaving a breath of relief as I put my back to the door.

"Oh, hey sweetheart," she greets from the kitchen.

"Hi, Tammy," I smile, relaxing as I follow the sound of her voice.

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