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Upon arriving to the 'Highway Men's camp- I was introduced to them formally.

Tara had explained back at the fair who they were, a group of men that the Kingdom met and Ezekiel gave a job to and would pay them back in supplies as well as getting to watch the movie later tonight. Said job was to clear the roads and report back on what they found. And as we spotted no walkers on the way there, I couldn't help but feel they were good at their job.

Ozzy, the leader, was the one to show us what they found so far.

While patrolling the highway, they found a tipped over wagon. No walkers were around, making them assume it was Alpha and her group.

And as I knelt down to look at the supplies dropped, I knew it was as well.

"Maddie made these," I say, holding up the wooden chip with an 'H' engraved, "She and her husband, Charlie, were supposed to be at the fair. This was their cart."

"If a group of people from Hilltop were attacked, those skin freaks are probably on their way right now," Marco voices.

"But, where are Maddie and Charlie?" Kal asks, standing protectively above me.

"They drug 'em out this way," Daryl calls, tracking something only he could see.

"Let's go," Kal nods.

"We can't all just go rushing in there," Daryl shakes his head.

"They could still be alive," Diane pleads.

"And Marco is right, too," I stand, "They followed them from Hilltop. They already know where Hilltop is, they probably saw us all leave and are waiting to attack if they haven't already."

"So, we split up," Michonne adds.

"Michonne and I can go with Daryl. We'll track 'em. The rest of you go on to Hilltop," Carol joins in.

"I've gotta go, too," I frown.

"No, you don't," Daryl pointedly says.

"I do. Maddie and Charlie are my people- plus whoever else came with them. If there's anyone injured, I have the medical practice, too," I argue

"And I'm going, too," Carl nods, standing beside me.

"And who gets things straight at Hilltop if you're both going?" Michonne questions.

I point to Kal, "Our head of security."

All eyes fall on Kal and he stands taller.

"If that's good with you," I tell him.

"Security is my job. It'll keep being m job," Kal nods.

I reach over to him and he grabs my hand, squeezing reassuringly.

"We'll keep up our patrols around Kingdom, just in case," Ozzy offers then looks to Carol, "Of course, this means you owe us a couple of movies when this is done."

"I'm sure I can work that out," Carol smiles to him.

The groups break into three- Kal giving Carl and I a quick hug before heading out. Then, it's just Carl, Michonne, Daryl, Carol, and I.

And when Yumiko chases after us to join- it's the six of us.


"Do you remember when Maggie was pregnant with Hershel and you kept getting mad at her for going out?" Carol asks as we trail through the woods.

"Is this you telling me it's come full circle and I shouldn't be out here?" I question.

"That and that you are becoming too much like your mother," she chuckles.

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