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"I just.. I don't get why," Maggie sighs.

I place another bag in the back of the van, turning around to face her.

"Carl left Alexandria for me after Negan was locked up. I could stay anywhere but there. Carl can't go anywhere without getting those looks from everyone, those words. He can't keep dealing with it," I explain.

Maggie frowns, knowing the words were true.

"He did it for me. I've gotta repay the favor," I tell her.

She sniffles back tears, nodding her head.

"Do you want to say bye to your dad?" she asks, nodding her head to the grave clearing.

"No," I shake my head, "It's best if I don't."

After my talk with Negan, I couldn't bring myself to go to Glenn's grave. Not yet.. Maybe not for awhile. I'd spared Negan twice now- but if I physically went and saw what he did, it would send me spiraling. If I saw Glenn's grave, I would relive it all and I don't know if I could spare him a third time.

"You should take some extra food," Jesus calls out, "However long, however far.. Extra never hurts."

I look to Maggie and she nods in agreement.

"Thank you," I say to both of them.

"Come here," Maggie whispers, opening her arms.

As I curl myself in her embrace, I try my best to stay strong.

Carl needed this.. And after my talk with Negan- I was beginning to think I needed it, too.

I spot Carl walking down the steps from Earl and Patty Rose's house, both sending him off with a hug and a handshake.

"We'll be sure and visit when we can," I tell Maggie.

"You better," Kate points.

"We will," I assure.

As we hug, I felt another piece break. We'd been inseparable since Woodbury- even through hard times. This was going to suck..

Pulling back from her, Maggie grabs my hand, giving a soft smile through her tears.

"Hey," I greet Carl as he makes his way over.

He nods, "You ready?"

"Yeah," I breathe, looking to Maggie then back to him, "I am."

"Don't forget a few others," Enid says, rushing over with Hershel in her arms and Alden by her side.

"Carl," Maggie calls.

As he looks to her, she nods her head to the side. Without question, he follows.

"Hi, little brother," I exhale, taking Hershel into my arms.

I should've guessed it would be the thing that finally breaks me. As I hug him close, I could feel the tears dropping down my cheeks.

"He's gonna be having full conversations when you get back," Alden tries to joke.

"God, don't make it harder," I beg, cuddling Hershel more.

I traded goodbyes with Enid and Alden before Maggie and Carl return. Reading Carl's features, I pull Hershel back to look at him.

"Don't grow too much without me, okay?" I tell him.

He coos as though answering my question. 

"Okay," I breathe, sniffling back my tears and kissing his cheek.

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