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-4 Years Later-

"Shut up, Carl," I hiss.

"Me shut up?" he scoffs.

"Yes, you shut up! You're gonna-"

Before I could say another word, Carl darts around the table. I tried getting away, but feel my feet lift off the ground as he wraps his arms around me from behind.

"Don't," I warn, feeling my feet rest back on the ground.

His left hand comes up around toward my face, I quickly grab his wrist to stop his advances.

"Carl Grimes, I swear to God," I threaten.

"Beg," he demands.

"Screw you," I argue, pushing against him.

"Beg," he repeats, his hand getting closer.

"Make me," I declare.

"Fine," he sighs out before his right hand still around tickles my side.

"Carl!" I cry, squirming in his hold.

With my guard down, his left hand meets my face, smearing the icing over my cheek.

"Asshole!" I sneer as his hold from me drops.

He snickers to himself as I reach up to wipe the icing off my face. With most in my hand, I slowly turn to him. His eye widens, taking a step back with his hand up.

"No," he lowly says.

I take a step closer, raising my hand.

"Jade Grimes," he warns, just as I did to him.

Lurching forward, I wrap one arm around his shoulders, the other planting the icing over his mouth. Giggling, I feel his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Payback's a bitch huh?" I question.

"I don't know, you tell me," he shrugs.

Before I could question his motive, he leans down, mouth meeting mine. I cry against his lips, the icing smearing more. I place my hands on either side of his face, pushing him away.

"Aw, come on," he pouts, "Don't be like that. Love me."

"No!" I refuse, leaning back away from him in his hold as he moves closer with his lips puckered again.

Among the laughter, the sudden sound of crying causes us to freeze in our places.

"You did this," I accuse, pointing my finger at him.

Carl laughs, releasing one arm around me to reach on the table for a towel. He wipes his face as he walks down the hall, boots heavy on the floorboard. Scoffing, I turn back to the counter, grabbing my own towel to wipe the icing away. Just as I finish wiping my face, Carl remerges from the hall.

"I had it!" a voice argues, following close behind Carl.

"Well, now we both got it. How about that? Teamwork, right?" he asks, bouncing the two year old on his hip.

"Mommy," the four year old sighs, placing her hands on her hips and stomping over to me.

"Yes, Sophie?" I ask, though I couldn't keep the smile down.

"Tell daddy that I had Emily. As long as I sing that song to her, she stops crying," she pouts.

"Maybe daddy just wanted to help," I offer, running my hand through her hair.

"Maybe daddy should sing, then," she says, glaring over to Carl.

"Which song?" Carl asks as Emily's cries fade while she nuzzles her face in his shirt.

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