Chapter 8: Friends?

Start from the beginning

Austin is a nice guy and he wasn’t like Dylan and Ryan who loves flirting and doing this skills to attract girls. I liked Austin for Beth and Beth for Austin. They match together and they look cute together. I just hope that no one will interfere whatever they have now because ruining the perfect moment isn’t good.

“Sorry about, uhh I—“ Beth started to talk about last night.

I hissed, “What about it, forget about what happened last night.” I cut off her sentence.

Let’s just focus on the most important things rather than what happened last night.

“Okay? Okay then.” She said, smiling. “What’s your next subject?”

I hugged both of my books, “Hmm. Let me see.”

I scratch the back of my neck and I suddenly felt discomfort. As if there is something wrong wherein there isn’t.

My heart was beating fast and I can feel its beat knocking and pounding against my chest. I felt sweaty and nervous in the same time.

I sat down at the floor, ignoring Beth’s worrisome face. I was breathing slowly and trying to get myself in focus.

“Hey Kate? Kate? Are you okay?” Beth started questioning me and I can’t seem to answer.

I started to see blurry images and shadows passing by in front of me. My sight wasn’t good and I felt like collapsing any second.

And minutes later, all I can see was black.



I was walking at the hallways of our school. I glanced at my watch and there is five minutes left before I get myself late. No one wants that but not that I care though.

I sighed and remember what happened last night.

I asked Kate if we could be friends again and not that I want to flirt her or gain her trust. I just really want to be friends with her and being friends with her is something.

Something unexplainable and it gives me a never ending happiness. I haven’t felt that before but she’s comfortable being with and it made me really happy. It wasn’t a joke and I thought that she needs a friend too.

Whatever her reason of avoiding me, I knew that it has something or excusable for me to understand but I mean, it’s just being friends. What’s wrong with that right?

“Kate? Kate? Hey Kate?!” I heard a girl’s voice shouting and panicking. There are none of the students left in the hallway and that is because first period is coming up.

My eyes widen when I saw Beth and Kate in sight.

Kate was unconscious and Beth on the other hand was trying to get her up.

I hurriedly made my way towards them and carried Kate into my arms.

“What happened?!” I asked.

I was carrying Kate and we’re on our way to the clinic.

“I don’t know. She just started to seat down at the floor. I can’t understand what’s happening either and she can’t even answer me.” She had her eyes settled on Kate. She was panicking and in the same time, worried.

We head inside the clinic and called the nurse’s attention.

She told us to let her lie down the bed. She examined her and she knew what she’s doing. She was calm and not a single hint of panic was evident on her face.

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