,,Shit, the damn fish broke the glass! We have to fix it bevore we loose more water!" ,,Yes sir!" ,,And someone get this fucking fish, bevore he messes around even more!" The merman lies in the shards of the glass he broke and they cut deep wounds in his body. The owner of the aquarium, Erwin Smith leans over the twitching merman and lies his foot on his face, not much, but enough to hurt Levi. ,,There's no running away, pretty fish.", he says and smiles. ,,Put him in anesteshia!" The merman starts to twitch even more. He doesn't want to be put to sleep for an unknown time, but he can't resist and gets a needle rammed in his arm. ,,Put a thicker glass, so he can't break it anymore. We can't him trying to break out again."

After that one day I come to visit Levi ever day. I tell him about my day, my friends and my worrys. He always listens interestet and seems like to love when I come. I feel so bad, that I can't help him. The only thing I can do for Levi is visiting him, so he isn't completely lonely. I don't know how to describe our relationship. All I can say is that I really like him. I'd do anything for him and when it makes him happy, when I visit him, then I'll do it until I fucking die. Today I'm visiting him again. I go down the hallway and reach the black curtain. I pull it away and go to Levi's tank, as I suddenly notice something. The glass is way thicker then yesterday and the tank is even smaller. Suddenly Levi apears infront of me and presses his hand against the glass. I notice multiple cuts on his body and tail and a huge scar in his face. ,,Hey Levi what happend? Shit, this looks terrible!", I say and press my hands against his. Levi bangs against the glass and leans his forehead against it. I understand. ,,Did you try to breake out?" He noods. It breaks my heart to see him like that in this way to small tank. I have to get him out of here. I just have to. Every tank has a cover, wich can be open from the outside. I just have to find from were. ,,I'm getting you out of here.", I say after a while of scilence. Because Levi can't talk to me, I learned how to read his looks and now he's looking like he wants to tell me, that I can't free him. ,,I can, Levi. I promise. Just wait a few minutes." With these words I go away from the tank and starts to look for a door, wich could maby lead me to Levi's tank. Because it's very dark, I use my phone light and after a while I find a black door, wich I would've never found, if I didn't have my handy light. I push the pawl down and hope, that the door isn't unlocked and it isn't. Fuck, please be the right one! I walk past the gear until I reach some stairs. I start to climb them, hoping they'll lead me to the cover and yes. The covers are right infront of me and  a few meters away from me is the exit to the outside. I can run away fast. Now I'll free Levi, so he doesn't have to suffer any longer. I open the cover and see Levi looking up to me surprised. But then he seems to get it and swims up to me. His head breaks through the water and he wraps his arms around my neck. ,,Eren.", he says  and burries his face in my neck, making my shirt completely wet. I'm surprised by his voice, wich is way deeper then I expected. ,,Let's get you out of here.", I say and smile. ,,But I don't know what'll happen when I get out of the water.", Levi replies and looks away. ,,We'll see. I'm pulling you out now." I lift him out of the water and sit him on the floor infront of me, his tale still in the water. ,,I'm still not completely out yet." I nood. I lift Levi up in bridgal style, as suddenly something weard happens. His tale starts to turn into Levi's usuall skintone and splits into two. It turned into legs. ,,How about that." He says and looks at his legs. ,,And what the hell is that thing?" I have to giggle. ,,I'll explain it to you later. I just have a question: Can you walk?" ,,I don't know. I could try." I nood and place Levi on the floor. He instantly colapses and falls down. Okay, he can't walk. I pick him up again. ,,I feel pathetic.", he growls and crosses his arms infront of his chest. Tgen I remember something that maby will become a problem. He's completely naked. Now I'm glad I made my drivers liscence a month ago and own a car. But it's still weard, so I have an idea. ,,Wait a second." I sit Levi on the floor again, take of my jacket and put it around him, earning a confused look. ,,To cover up a little.", I say and pick Levi up again. ,,Wy should I do something like that? It were never neccesary bevore.", he replies confused. ,,It' because you're naked." ,,Wy's there problem?" ,,Because you have a godamn penis." After I said that I regret it. ,,So that's what this thing called? Is it a problem for humans to see it?" I sight.  ,,Let's discuss that later. We have to get away from here now." I open the exit door and run with Levi in my arms to my car. I unlock it, place him on the backseat and sit on the drivers seat. I'm glad Levi doesn't ask any questions and start to drive. ,,Were are we going?", he asks after a while. ,,To my house. I don't know were else we should go.", I answer. After a few more minutes we arrive at my house and I sight. I leave the car, lift Levi out of it and enter the house. ,,Do you live here?", the raven asks and looks around. I have to smile. ,,Yea. I know it's not much, but it's enough for me.", I answer and place him on my sofa. ,,Thank you, Eren. For getting me out of there.", Levi says and leans his head against my chest. ,,I just couldn't let you there.   It were obviosly you sufferd.", I reply and go through his still wet hair. We stay a while like that until I go a step away and look at him. ,,I'm getting you some clothes. Wait here for a second.", I say and go into my bedroom to get Levi some clothes. I don't care if he thinks it's weard, because I can't have him being naked all the time. I find an old shirt and some pants and go back to reach it to Levi. ,,Here, take this on.", I say shortly. ,,Do I really need this? It's weard.", he replies and crosses his arms infront of his bare chest. ,,Yeah. I can't have you being naked all the time. It's embarissing.", I say and throw the clothes at him. ,,I don't know how to take this on. Can you help me?" I sight and start to take Levi the clothes on. ,,This feels wrong.", I whisper to myself a little to loud. But the raven doesn't react to it, even though I'm sure he hears it.

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