Part 13: The truth untold

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As for the picture above  I  couldn't  find  any pictures  of jimin  and his grandma  or even a fanart of them  so I  used Tae's fanart ☺

PS: this chapter  is dedicated  to REETU-NIM for all the support  she gave me💜💜😘😘💜


Author'S  POV

It been 3 weeks since Jungkook  and Jimin talked  to each other. There friends  asked them what was going  on but they just  told them that they are not in talking  terms but Jimin told  Taehyung that Jungkook  is from 'the government', Tae didn't  believe it at first  but  when  Jimin told Taehyung  the story  Jungkook  told him even Tae could  not believe  Jungkook, 'how can a 5year old boy fell in love with  someone'  those are the words Tae said  after listening  to the story.

2 weeks ago  they wrote their final exam and today they  got graduated and right now  everyone  was outside  and taking  pictures  with their family  and friends.

All except  Jungkook

He took  about 2-3 pictures  with his parents  and  left. Now he is in his house  with his parents.

Jungkook's POV 

I was seating  down in my room checking the time for my flight. Yes you heard me right  I am  leaving for the USA to study then after about 2 years  of studying  I  will go to Landon  to handle  my father's ( soon to be mine after I  finish school  in USA) business which could take a few years.

Before going I  wanted  Jimin to  know my real identity and we could  start dating. Yes I  know I  would  have to take a  long time before coming back but we could  still face-time, message and voice call each other and they say that  distance is good for  a relationship.

I  had so many plans for us but now that he doesn't  even want to trust  me I  will  leave him alone. I  have been  looking for him for 13 long years. He left me when I  was 5years  old and I still believed that he loved me and was waiting for me to find him so I  never gave up searching for him but what did I  get after finding him nothing, nothing  but rejection. But now I  will live my life just for me snd nothing more I  will re-live those 13 years  of my life which I  waisted trying to find someone  who does not love me anymore but this time I  will live for no one but me.


Author's POV

( 1 week  letter)

Today  Jimin was just sitting  in the living room  reading a book when his grandmother came with a plate of sliced apples. His grandmother came  from the senior-center yesterday, she wanted to do something active so she decided to go to the fild trip the senior citizens were taking but for that she had to live in the senior-center for about 2 years  so she could be a member. Jimin told her to go because  was going to be in grade 10 ( senior  year) and he will be very busy and wouldn't  have  a lot of time to chit-chat with  her and if she went she would  get to be with people her ega and they would have a lot to talk about  ( n/y: we all know that most of the grandmas  just talk about their grandchildren 😅)  so that why she was not present when  Jimin and Jungkook  meat.

JM-grandma: dear have some fruits

Jimin: ok, thank you gram-gram

JM-grandma: time flys very fast, after 2 months  you will be going  to university, I am  so proud of you and I  am happy  that  those government people  will never come to find us ever again

Jimin: well about that...

JM-grandma: what is it dear

Jimin: well there was this boy who is one of them he came here and befriended  me we were friends for the past 2years but few days  before  we wrote our final exam he toldme  this crazy  story think8ng I  will belie him but I  knew he was lying  so I  kicked  him out of the house.

JM-grandma: good job  dear they thought that they could  fool you just  like that well they have to think again

Jimin: yeah! Can you believe  he told me that is my childhood  lover, that we fell in love with  each other  when I was  4 how crazy  is that, a 4year old  falling in love * laugh *

After Jimin  said that Jimin's grama's face went pale.

JM-grandma: w-what his name?

Jimin: his name was Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook .

Jimin said well eating  a  peice of apple. Jimin's grandma was still frozen in on place, she remembered  that name, that kid, the kid Jimin love, the love that was so unbelievable.

JM-grandma: ho! How I  wish I could see Jungkook  again

Jimin: what, do you know  him?

Jimin asked right  after almost  shocking on the apple piece after hearing what his gram-gram said.

JM-grandma: Ofcouse I  know him. Jimin everything  Jungkook  told  you was true.

Jimin: but gram-gram  how can I  love a boy, I am not  gay, I only  love girls.

JM-grandma: Jimin no matter  what you  do you will never fall  with a girl it how you are since the beginning of  time you were  always  ment to fall in love with a boy, if you ever think that you are in love with a girl that not true love because  you were ment to be with a boy who can impregnate  you a girl  can get you pregnant and  you can't  yet a girl  pregnant.

Jimin: but why can't  I  remember Jungkook?

JM-grandma: well, when the government found out about where we were living they wanted to come and take you so I had to run and save you I  didn't  have time to let you say your  good bye  to Jungkook. You were young  and didn't want  to leave the person  you loved the most  but I  had to separate  you from him to  save your live, I  knew he  was  going  to  look for you until  je found you. When we arrived in  Seoul you started to get panic attack and you will always  wake up from your dreams screaming  Jungkook's  name, I  took you to a doctor and the  doctor said  that you could  die from those panic attacks so she suggested  that  we give you a medicine  that will help  you  loose your memory of  Jungkook. I  had no choice  but to give you those medicines and  after few months  you started  to loose  your memory of Jungkook. I was going  to tell you everything  after Jungkook  found you but everything  didn't  go as I  had planned.

Jimin: what have I  done. Gram-gram please tell me  how I  can get my memory  back.

JM-grandma: all you have to do is to stop  taking the medicine  I  told  you  to always  take.

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Special  thanks to REETU-NIM  for supporting  this book 💜💜💜

Jikook "Don't  You Remember? "Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora