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Harry had slept very little, maybe a total of four hours. But, in his eyes, it was worth it. He had stayed up another hour looking through everything Abigail had sent him via email. He even searched Google in hopes that it would play God and tell him all he needed to know. It was all part of the job description, he thought. You lose some sleep some nights, maybe even some weeks, but it all pays off if you can bring closure to a family. So that's what it's all about.

Detectives could tell you all day long that their job was to simply find the facts to persecute criminals, but that wasn't really it. They could tell you that their job is about finding and comparing blood stains to see how a victim was killed, but that's not what it was about. A detectives jobs was to find murderers in order to bring justice and peace. They confront families. They talk one-on-one with close friends all day long. They get to know the dead through the living and that is something hardly any one else can do.

So Harry lost some sleep and found himself lazily pouring coffee into his cup the next morning when Cris approached him. "You look like shit," Cris commented, grabbing one of the Styrofoam cups to pour his own coffee into.

"And I still look better than you," Harry said with a smirk, "didn't get much shut eye last night."

"Busy banging someone? Oh, wait, you don't have anyone." Cris nearly spilled his full cup of coffee as Harry tried to hit his chest. He chuckled, "what had you tossing and turning?"

"This fucking case, man. It has me bent in all sorts of directions," Harry replied, sipping on his coffee, "why would someone who was abducted, abused, and then left in the middle of nowhere abuse someone else?"

Cris stirred some creamer into his coffee, "sounds like a question for Smith. If you want my thoughts, I'd guess that maybe they wanted to feel in control. They didn't want to be the submissive anymore. They were better than that in their eyes. How does this play a role in the Malik case?"

Harry let out a sigh as the two began to walk towards Harry's desk, "our victim was sexually abused when he was younger by his own friend's father, too. He was returned a year and a half later. There were so many articles about him, about his traumatic experiences. The media shoved their ways into this little boy's life, really. I'm surprised they aren't all up on my case right now."

"Funny you should say that," Cris said, nodding his head in the direction of a reporter with a recording device in their hand, "guess you spoke too soon."

Harry waved good-bye to Cris as he made his way towards the reporter, "hi, I'm Detective Styles," he greeted, shaking the reporters hand.

"Camille Jackson, reporter for the New York Gazette. I'm here to ask you about Zayn Malik's death. Do you think you could answer my questions?" Camille asked.

"We aren't taking questions. This case is closed off from any sort of media," Harry said, kindly escorting Camille back towards the door.

"Mr. Styles--"

"Detective, please," Harry corrected.

"Detective Styles, I think that the people would like to know that there is some murderer out there. As a parent, wouldn't you want to know that there's a criminal out on the streets?" Camille has questioned.

Harry dismissed the young woman's comment and continued to try and push her out the door. "There have been no other killings so the public has nothing to worry about. We have this under control."

"If you have it under control, then you wouldn't mind me asking questions," Camille had pointed out.

Harry rolled his eyes as Camille pushed pass him and straightened out her blouse as she uncapped her pen waiting to write down anything she thought the people would like to know.

"I already told you no. This case is not of the public's concern," Harry repeated, "please, give some respect to the deceased and their family."

Camille stood there shocked as Harry had walked back towards his desk. The reporter had followed Harry even though she shouldn't have. "This could give the family closure, let them know what happened."

Harry quickly turned around to face the rude reporter, "are you just acting like an inconsiderate bitch or is this what you're usually like?" Harry snapped.

Camille was taken aback by Harry's comment, "excuse me, Detective, but I think that was totally out of line."

"What's out of line is you marching your perky ass down here expecting me to answer your questions that will be twisted by the time it reaches the news stand!" Harry said quite loudly, "no, I will not answer any of your questions and this is the last time I will say that. If you do not leave, I will have you arrested for interfering with a private investigation."

Camille hadn't said another word. She quietly turned and left the building, feeling embarrassed to have ever showed up in the first place.

"That was quite unnecessary, Detective," Paul had pointed out, "it seems you're angry about an underlining topic. What seems to be the matter?"

Harry ran his hand through his hair as he let out a sigh, "I'm tired." He slumped down into the chair at his desk and started to shuffle through papers.

"I think it's much more than that. You're taking this case personally. What seems to be of the matter?"

"It's nothing, Smith, really. Just leave matters be."

Paul had sat down his cup of coffee and pulled a chair to sit across from Harry. He gently touched Harry's arm, gaining his attention. "Have you gone through something like Zayn?"

"What? No, of course not. It's just...sad, you know? This whole case is absolutely depressing and I never thought I'd be so close to it."

"Is it because of the boy? Louis?"

Harry shrugged a bit, "him, the family, just I can't help but think about it constantly. I mean, it was Louis' own friend that--well, you know. How should I handle this?"

Paul took a sip of his coffee and leaned back, "I don't think there's really any way to handle it. You just kind of juggle things. Everything ends up okay in the end. And if it's not okay, then it's not the end."

"I read that cheesy ass line on the internet, but you're right. I'll just try to make this all work out, I guess. Please tell me you found something on sexual abuse that will help me out here."

Paul opened his brief case and handed Harry a few documents, "I'm not sure if it will help, but it's worth a shot."

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