Chapter 8: Wait Were Those Holograms?

Start from the beginning

Jules and I look at each other and we run after her, "Flynn!" I call out but she keeps going. As we make it to the hallways we are bombarded with people congratulating us. I got a high five and Julie was stopped by the girls in the bobcat uniforms and Nathan (yep the one I used to like).

"Julie! Y/N! Those holograms where so cool! It's like we were in the Cochella, but not in the desert and without all the sweat," he looks at me then her and when he passes me he gives me a fist bump. Both of the bobcat girls dab Julie up. She regains focus on Flynn, then she's stopped by Nick.

"It's true! That was incredible!" Nick turned on his charm and Julie was swooning, then Carrie walks over.

"It was a lot better than when you cried and ran out," Carrie looked Julie up and down. "Good job Y/N but next time," she got closer to my face, "don't try so hard to upstage me. Mkay?"

"Come on Carrie, let's get to science," Nick says trying to get Carrie out of the situation. Nick and I used to be really close, he lives across the street from me. Both Carrie and Julie met him through me. After him and Carrie started going out, she told him he wasn't allowed to come over to my house anymore. So Nick knows the fire I have in me. Carrie and Julie haven't seen that side of me.

"Oh yeah maybe you can go study the properties of manners... or something," Julie says with a satisfied look.

Carrie snickers, "Was that supposed to be a comeback? Wow."

Without taking my eyes off Carrie, I reply with, "Don't get too close to her Nick. I'm sure you guys have learned about toxic chemicals."

Carrie's jaw drops for only a split second, "Another winner." Finally, she leaves.

Julie and I walk over to where our class is and we see the boys in a pyramid type thing. Luke was on one of Alex and Reggie's knees.

"Girls!" They all say at the same time.

"You-" I say getting cut off.

"Stop doing that! I'm serious," Julie is obviously stressed about Flynn.

"Whoa whoa," sweet Reggie is taking offense, "this one's on you guys. We were already here. Well actually we were over there," he points to the gym, "but then we came over here."

Luke looks at Julie, then me, "Are we not going to talk about what just happened?"

"Yeah our whole school saw you. It's kinda freaking us out!" I say my voice got higher as I went on through that sentence.

Luke looks at me, "Okay good, because it's kinda freaking us out too."

"You know you guys could see us, then when we played with you everyone could see us. And my clothes are made of air, but for some reason I'm still getting a wedgie," Alex takes a deep breath. "So many questions."

Luke and Reggie look at Alex, "The important thing is that we rocked that place. They were loving you guys!"

"Are you kidding?" I ask, "They were loving us! That was a great song. Luke thanks." I look up at Luke and smile, he returns the same, somewhat flirty smile.

Alex and Julie share a look.

"Did you guys see the cheerleaders looking at me?" Reggie asks, oblivious as always. "I think they were looking at me."

Luke grabs Reggie's shoulders and smiles, "Dude! They were looking at you!"

Alex has a glum look on his face, "I'm so... I'm so confused, ya know? The afterlife should come with instructions or a quick guide like in Beetlejuice."

"I'm sorry?" Julie asks.

I playfully hit Julie's arm, "You've never seen Beetlejuice?" I ask smiling. She shakes her head. I have a quick change in my tone, "You've never seen Beetlejuice? This weekend we are so watching it at my place, boys you're welcome to come as well."

Luke smiles and so does Alex.

"Anyways, the good thing is that everyone thought you guys were holograms. And I got back into the music program," Julie said looking down. I knew I had a gloomy expression on my face.

"Why do you look so bummed?" Reggie asks.

"Yeah guys you're making this face," Luke says pulling Reggie and Alex in making upset faces.

"Yeah guys you're making this face," Luke says pulling Reggie and Alex in making upset faces

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I scoff and so does Julie, "Those are not our faces," I glare at the boys.

"Things just got weird between us and Flynn," Julie says looking down again.

"She asked about you guys and we couldn't say," I look at Alex and he shot back an understanding look.

"Sweet! Girls are already talking about us," Reggie whispers as him and Luke fist bump.

"Stop. I'm serious. We can't tell her the same reason we can't tell my dad! She'll think we've gone off the deep end!" Julie says making multiple movements with her hands as she talks.

Reggie half sighs and points behind him, "Well this guy definitely thinks you guys have gone off the deep end!" The boys make a path for our janitor who looks at us and starts shaking his head.

"Come on Jules, we should get to science," I look at the guys one more time.

"Later chicas," Reggie says with a smile, "oh! And tell those cheerleaders I'm single!"

The last thing I hear before walking into my chemistry class is Alex saying "Oh and that he's dead!"

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