CH:59: Discovery of the Unknown

Start from the beginning

"I- Uh..." My mind raced to find a lie of some sort, but it's too hard to lie to a best friend. "I... never knew." I laugh sheepishly. His features soften.

"Well you know now." He smiles genuinely. Sasha, who was next to us, starts grunting and whining. Her face churning in her sleep.

"Shut up!" She hisses, sweat dripping off her brow. Did she say that to us or the others? I scan the faces of the others until my eyes land on Levi. He had a dark shadow cast upon his eyes. The others were staring at her in shock, meaning she said it to Levi.

I suddenly feel proud of her. I don't have the guts to say that to him. Suddenly Hanji starts laughing. A pure laugh.

"We're no match for Sasha." She sighs, but Levi looked as if he thought otherwise. "Well, being the successor of Erwin as commander of the Survey Corps, we're kinda in the same boat. From here on out, we'll have to grin and bear it."

Armin looks down at thhe ground. "Right..."

"Now then...  If it's not a problem for Armin we should get going." Hanji stands up and turns around. "Levi, Ezlyn, Eren, Mikasa, and I will go investigate. You other four keep watch from atop Shiganshina's wall."

"Roger." Connie and Jean say in unison. Hanji turns to Eren.

"Eren, do you still have the key?" She asks. Eren lifts his hand to his chest and grips something under it.

"Yes. Right here." He has a glint in his eye. Confidence and determination swarms his teal orbs.

"Good. Let's go at once while we still have daylight." Hanji walks over to the edge of the wall and I get up. I lean over with my mouth next to Jean's ear.

"Look after Sash and Baldie for me, Jean-boy." I whisper. I stand back up and walk over to the four who were waiting for me. I stand next to Mikasa.

Eren jumps from the wall first and Mikasa follows soon after. Hanji leaps off the wall and Levi does the same. I turn round to my friends that were still on the wall and smile.

I let myself fall back off the wall and I do a 180 in the air until I was facing the others. I pull out my controllers from my hips and and fire an anchor onto a bellhouse. I pull the lowest trigger and my gas activates.

I fly through the air, my hair getting pushed back behind me as wind rushes by me. My cheeks getting cold and rosey as I launch another anchor. The others were not far ahead of me, but I don't mind.

It's probably just past 12 in the afternoon, judging by the sky. You could feel the lunch time vibes in the atmosphere.

Everyone stops and lands at the town center, where it was partially destroyed. Pieces of ash brown armour scattered everywhere and tiny blue fragments of crystal lying about. Some of the nearby houses were caved in and tiles on some roofs are missing.

I'm guessing this is where Eren and Reiner fought, by the looks of it.

"Eren, why did you stop here?" Levi asks, stepping forward. Eren turns round with a pained look.

"It's nearby." He states, his teal eyes glistening. He starts walking away so, Levi Hanji and I follow as Mikasa and Eren guide us.

It'd been a fair five years since I've walked along this route and I've forgotten about it completely. But, I do remember this was the place most of the stalls stood, selling food, drink, and loads of other things to go with.

We turn a corner and start walking down a slim alleyway, full of broken glass and some splatters of blood up the walls. Bones and pieces of fabric occupies the ground we are walking on and I try my best not to step on any of it out of my respect for the dead.

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