Chapter 39

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"The greatest mark of a father is how he treats his children when no one is looking.” – Dan Pearce


"Wait!" I commanded while struggling to open the door of the car but it opened anyway (without daddy's help). I turned around the bonnet to the driver's side of the car and opened the door for daddy.

"Thank you, miss Black." He pats my hair and plants a kiss on it. I wanted to do the same for him so he bent down to my height so I kissed his hair then patted it.

"This is a house daddy... I thought we're going for dinner or something?"

"You and food, come.", he took my hand after making sure he had locked the door.

We passed through the path of daffodils with varieties of colors before we got to the silver metallic door.

"Um... Can I press the bell?" I ask.

"Sure." He raised me to the height of the bell. I punched it twice in excitement, a frown appeared on my face when I felt my feet on the floor again.

I could do that forever.

The door drastically swings open, revealing a man maybe Papa's age. I think he is working because he is in official wear and looks a bit tired but when he sights us, especially daddy, the energy in his eyes becomes noticeable. He stared between me and dad, his eyes mainly focusing on me with a smile punched on his cheeks, while he did that, I was beginning to notice the familiarity.

"Hey man." Dad bumped his fists with his and exchanged some side hugs before pulling me into the huge mansion. They were exchanging pleasantries when Man gaze fell on me again.

"Hello, Royalty." He lifted me from the ground and planted a kiss on my forehead. I squirmed a bit, he's becoming way too familiar. Those brown eyes that... "You've grown so big!"

I shared a look with daddy who, I think, took notice of my confusion, thereby saying, "He's my best friend- second partner in crime. He was with you throughout your baby days." His forehead wrinkles, "like two years ago?"

Yeah, I know, he was way too familiar.

Man suddenly tickled my stomach and I couldn't help the laughter that came out of me.

"Uncle Man!" I squeal, trying to get hold of his hand.

He stops abruptly and glares at daddy, then me. "Man?"

I crease my forehead with my eyebrows knitted together, "What? You are not uncle Man?"

"Rome, what have y- uncle Man? Are you serious? Who on earth bears that name?"

I caught daddy rolling his eyes and replied, "Dude, get it, she doesn't remember your name."

"Oh, the name's Elias." He turns to me.

"I like that name... Uncle Elias." I compliment him, ignoring dad's glare.

"Really, thank you."
Seconds later, I was placed on the couch where daddy was sitting with one leg crossed over the other, he kept on and on, eyeing the stairs like he was expecting someone to come out this instant.

"Where's Eli?" He asks uncle Elias.

"Park. With Adam."

I poked daddy's arm, "Who's Eli?"

He smiles at me, warmly, "Don't worry, you'll meet him soon."

"They'll be back soon." Uncle Elias assures me but that didn't even reduce my level of curiosity, instead it even increased.

Uncle Elias is here, then who is the other?

"Are there two Elia-"

I was cut off by the door, bursting open with force, a little bit rushed to us with his arms spread apart. He hugged daddy and turned to uncle Elias and screamed,

"Daddy!" At him. It was then I knew who Eli was, "Who is she daddy?"

"Royalty!" I spun towards another guy approaching me with a small bag which he placed on the door knob. And now, I'm turned into a lifting machine, first, uncle Elias and now him.


"Oh my God, Roman... It feels like yesterday when I last saw her... Time really flies so fast." I heaved a sigh when he threw me up and caught me almost immediately.

When he finally let me catch my breath from giggling too much, I inquire,

"Hi to you too, Royalty... My name's Adam. A-dam." He smiles and pulls Eli from his father and adds, "this little gamer boy here is Elias jr."

I beam at him.

"Can we be friends?" He begs me while I just nod, ''cool. You're the girl uncle Adam talks about."

Daddy hugs me from behind and lifts me to his waist.

Ugh! What's with people carrying me? I'm sure if not that Eli was still small, he would surely carry me.

"Come to my room, wanna show you something." I hurried after Elias, ascending the stairs. The door to his room was open so we just got in. His room is not that large nor is it small, just moderate. It was painted blue, everything in different shades of blue, even his duvet and bed is cobalt blue.

"Your rooms are beautiful." Miss Michelle always tells us to be nice when we meet people so it will be rude if I don't compliment him.

"I'd like to see your room too." My room isn't much different from his, it's just the color, mine has varieties of colors; blue, light purple, green and gray and he has quite some gadgets.

Without even asking him much questions or even ask him a question, his favorite color's blue.

He brought me to a chair. I sat on it, anxious about why he told me to sit down, he told me he wanted to show me something, right?

"You know how to play right?" My mouth hung open when he handed me his game controller. I wasn't even thinking of this.

Anyways, I took it from him, I was used to playing games with Jordan so it isn't strange.

"No hope for you to win then." I told him.

But somehow, I felt bad he beat me. He's truly a pro in this.

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